ℙ𝕣𝕠𝕝𝕠𝕘𝕦𝕖- 𝕊𝕨𝕒𝕞𝕡 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕊𝕖𝕟𝕤𝕚𝕓𝕚𝕝𝕚𝕥𝕪

Start from the beginning

" Wow, she seems trust worthy. -ish," Sprig said.

" Don't worry dude, she's a great person, no need o worry about her," Anne reassured him. " Now let's watch a movie!"

(Time skip)

Anne leaned her head into her hands as tiny tears started to form in her eyes while watching the movie. While Sprig was still wrapped up in a blanket.

"Don't you get it, mother, I know you want me to be a ballerina, but my heart belongs to hip hop. Are you disappointed?" "No, I'm proud of you. All that hipping and hopping was... breathtaking." "Oh, mother." "Oh, Mariah."

The end credits were shown as the movie ended, and Anne was crying a lot. "And that is the masterpiece, from Point to Poppin'." She said.

"Talk about an emotional rollercoaster-Woah!" Sprig replied but the fwagon stopped abruptly and he fell off of the top bed.

"Sprig! You alright there buddy?" Anne asked, looking down at Sprig. "What the heck is going on out there?"

The fwagon was going over a steep hill. "Come on Bessy, Come on." Hop Pop encourages his snail. Anne and Sprig opened the door at the top and exited the fwagon. "Almost... almost there." The fwagon reached the top only as a result of Bessie's reigns being snapped.

"Aw, dang it, the ding-dang reigns snapped." Hop Pop said. The gang heard a 'bah' in the field. Bessie proceeds to chase after a flock of sheep flies.

Hop Pop screamed, "We gotta get these reigns fixed, or we can't control Bessie!" He yelled to the rest. "Don't worry Hop Pop, there's a town right down the road." Sprig said. "See, Ribbitvale." Sprig pointed at the map where Ribbitvale was located.

"Ribbitvale?! The most expensive town in all Amphibia. No way!" Hop Pop said. Bessie suddenly stopped.

"Looks like we don't have a choice, HP," Anne said. Bessie finally caught up with the sheep fly and was cuddling it.

"Your right." Hop Pop sighed. "But when we get there, don't get sucked in with the fancy." He warned.

They pushed the Fwagon down the hill and stopped in front of the entrance of the city.

"Guys, look." Polly pointed towards the town.

Ribbitvale was the most luxurious, high-class town in Amphibia. Everything from buildings to Carriages, Frogs to lobsters were all fancy.

"So shiny. So sparkly. AHH." Polly said, but Hop Pop sprayed her with a water bottle.

"Hey! Hey! I said look away from the fancy." Hop Pop reminded them.

"It's like nothing I've ever seen before." Sprig said with big eyes. "A ten‐tier fountain. A solid gold snail carriage. There's even a One‐Eyed Wally." He stopped himself. "Wait. What?"

And he was right! There standing was One-Eyed Wally using a ridiculously fancy outfit. "One‐Eyed Wally?" They all shouted.

"You didn't tell me you were leaving the valley, you scamp," Anne said and punched Wally's arm.

"Oh, um‐‐" Wally stuttered, until a frog that looks like Wally spoke. "Walliam, you know these pungent common folk, do you?" He asked.

"Uh, yes, Father. I met them on my business travels." Wally explained.

"These must be your servants from Wartwood then." He guessed. "Servants?" Hop Pop asked.

"Yes. That's right, Father. These are my servants." Wally lied and patted Polly. Polly grabbed his hand and squeezed it hard.

Butterflies | Marcy Wu | Amphibia Where stories live. Discover now