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Ugh... What happened...?
Everything was black, did I lose consciousness? Then before I lose consciousness, what is the last thing that happened? Oh yeah... A God granted my wish. While waiting, I have been dreaming off Bam...
" lo... Ello...... Ir... Sir....! "
Was someone is here with me? Just what the fuck is happening to me and that sounded like a girl's voice. I tried open my eyes as fast as possible to see whose the one trying to wake me up.
" ir..... SIRR! Wake up! Call an ambulance!! Please!! He doesn't wake up!! "
Just who is the one trying to wake me up? Leave me alone, I would like to rest for a while... But as soon I open my eyes slowly, I have glimpsed of Goddess in front of me and the most funny thing is... She looks like Bam, no she is more like a girl version of him.
" S-sir are you awake? Please answer me! "
" Y-yes I am.... "
She smile like a child and she sighs in relief, I tried to look around and the people around us was just like ignoring and just passing by even though I feel like I'm in critical condition. Society is sure a shit head. She tried to sit me up and look at my body if I have any bruises, well sure she found a lot of burns in my body and she is currently crying infront of me. Cute.
" W-we need you to get to hospital quickly! Do you have any guardian? Or even relatives that can help you? "
Guardian...? Relatives? I think in this world, I'm being abandoned. I shook my head and look at her with sympathy. You're trying so hard just to help a homeless stranger...
" Oh no... That means you don't have a home either... What to do... "
I want to say that she doesn't need to worry about me but I really need a shelter, food and clothes right now. While thinking so hard, she sighs deeply again and she finally think of an solution.
" Ah how about living in my apartment? I'm all alone and my salary pay is high enough to take in a another person! "
" B-but... "
" But first of course, let's get you some treatment first! "
She carried me all the way to her apartment and treated me there instead of the hospital, a few moments later, her phone rang. She look at it and sighs deeply again and this time, in her eyes, she is feeling tired but tired of what?
" Ugh she is calling me again... She is so persistent. "
She? Whose she? She just look so so so... tired and please don't tell me that girl is that bitch. Ohoho if so then I can use her as my toy for my colorful playtime with her. But judging from her expression, it's some personal mostly like involving her family members.
" Oh yeah, what is your name? A-ah my name is Yoru! Yoru means night in my native language! "
" A... Aguero. "
" Aguero... Wah what a cool name!! It sounds so strong and rich! "
She is trying to change the subject but that's okay. If it makes her feel better. I smiled at her while looking at her innocent happy expression and her smile that radiates sunlight from her brightness.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2021 ⏰

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