7: No more questions asked

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Cal's POV

"Oh? What do you have in mind?" I asked.

"How about the name Niko?" Inpu asked.

"I like that name! It's really cute!" The monster said.

"Then Niko it is." Inpu said.

Finally, we found a name for it.

I sighed before I asked the next question "Niko, what do you usually eat?" Inpu asked.

"Uhm... I eat pretty much everything, I guess..." Niko said.

"Like... fruits, mice, fishes..?" I asked.

"Yup! All of it, I don't like bugs tho... please don't make me eat bugs." Niko said.

"We won't give you bugs as long as you behave, also we all need to write this down, since we need to know what to give him." Magnus said.

"Yeah, we do." Inpu said.

"Ok, next question." I said.

"Do you prefer to be warm or..?" Ricarro asked.

"I prefer to be warm, and I also need sunlight." Niko answered.

"Good to know, well we have to change the cell then." Magnus said, while writing something down in their little notebook.

"Ok, next question, what tribe are you part of?" I asked.

"I'm not going to tell you that one, but I'll just give you a hint, it starts with the word red." Niko said, while glaring at us.

"Can we try to guess?" Solis said, to be honest I forgot he was in the room with us.

"Sure." Niko groaned.

"Hmmm Red velvet!" Solis said.

"Red... velvet..?" Niko asked.

"Solis, that's a cake-" Inpu said.

"There's no point in trying, all the tribes that have 'red' in the name all got exterminated or captured, which means that it's part of a new tribe." Inpu said.

"That would explain why we've never seen something like it before." Magnus continued.

"Maybe there is more unknown species!" Ricarro added.

"Yeah!" Solis said.

"I doubt it is going to tell us tho..." I said.

"I feel bad for not asking this earlier, but, what pronouns do you go by?" Magnus asked.

"O- oh, I'm a male." He said.

"Ok, fairy enough." Inpu said.

"Are you more active during the day or the night?" Solis asked.

hmmm... that's a difficult one... I can be very active during both day and night, but I prefer being awake during the day because of the sunlight." He said.

"He makes a good point, if he needs the sunlight to feel good it's better to be awake duringthe day rather than night." Ricarro said.

"He sure does, but anyways, do you guys give birth like mammals or do you have eggs?" Inpu asked.

"Females lay eggs." He said

"Makes sense." Inpu responded

"Are you a pack creature or a lone creature?" Magnus asked.

"Uhm, something in between..." Niko said to Magnus.

"Now let's start the second part of the testing." I said.

"No more questions..?" Niko asked.

"No, now we'll do something else." I said

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