Chapter 10 - All Might To The Rescue

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So so so so sorry for not updating!! But oh my god, thank you for all the reads and votes I hope you like it!!

3rd Person POV:
Sunday. Sun. Ughhhh.
Bakugo groaned as he sat up, roughly closing his blinds to block out the bright sun. He looked around and saw that Izuku wasn't there next to him.
Mother fucking wha...
Bakugo stopped himself from panicking as he took a deep breath. A 7 year old should be fine by himself. And also the school increased the security and installed more cameras since that time he escaped.
Bakugo sighed. This kid was definitely a "problem child" as Aizawa calls him. I wonder if I'm the same as him? Is that why he calls us both "problem children"?
Anyway, Bakugo was still worried about his little childhood friend who was currently 7 and missing, so he quickly got dressed and had a shower, then stepped out and made his way to the common room.

Bakugo didn't know what to expect, but he definitely didn't expect to see the whole class crowded in the kitchen area, holding up Izuku as he vomited into the sink as he opened the common room doors.
Bakugo's eyes widened and he raced over quickly, pushing a couple of "extras" out of the way in the process.
He ran up to Izuku and gently rubbed his back as the boy vomited some more. Izuku was crying from the pain and sickness that he was having and Bakugo closed his eyes to avoid seeing his.. friend? in pain.
Eventually Izuku stopped puking and fell backwards onto Bakugo. Bakugo washed his face and carried him onto the couch. He gently layed him down and watched as the boy cried in his little nap he just fell into. Bakugo turned around to look at the gaping class. He sighed.
"Extras. I need your help." He said. Everyone nodded and waited for him to continue.
"As you probably already know, today is when he's turning back. The Recovery bitch said that he will face hell pain today, but we didn't know he will be feeling sick and puking all fucking day." Bakugo rubbed his temples in frustration, trying not to yell at the class who didn't do anything wrong. He took a deep breath.
"I think... I think we should make an All Might day thingy theme."
Everyone tilted their heads in confusion.
Bakugo sighed again and started explaining while staring at the sleeping 7 year old.
"So like... we should watch All Might movies, and like... oh maybe everyone could wear whatever All Might shit they have. Bring anything. Deku loves All Might nearly as much as he loves me so that'll make him happy and maybe forget about the fucking sickness and pain for a bit." Bakugo smirked at the last sentence. Everyone nodded and smiled.
"That's a great idea Bakugo!" Momo exclaimed and everyone smiled too and nodded, muttering agreements. Bakugo smirked and turned to the class.
"'Course it is! My ideas are always great. Hell, they're perfect!"
Everyone silently groaned but sighed. They ran off to their rooms to get all the All Might merchandise they have. Bakugo also ran up to their room, because out of everyone, his room and Izuku's rooms had the most All Might merch. Though, he decided to leave everything as it is in Izuku's room, because they might get dirty, and he didn't want to be stuck with an angry Izuku, explaining why his precious merch got dirty when he wakes up without the memory. Bakugo shivered at the thought. Sure, Izuku was a nice and kind and shy boy, but when he got angry, he was terrifying. Monoma and some villains were unlucky enough to witness that themselves. Though, Bakugo thought, they kinda deserve it.

Eventually everyone went back, and surprisingly everyone had All Might merch, even Mineta.
Bakugo brought Izuku's All Might onesie, all of Izuku's All Might toys (which were the pens that were in Bakugos room. It was still a lot though.), All Might themed mat, shoes, bag, socks, and other things (too much to type 😅). Other students brought pillows, blankets, onesies, clothes, hats, toys, plushies, headbands, movies to watch, and well, lots of other stuff.
While Izuku was still sleeping, Bakugo and the class set up all the blankets and pillows and plushies around the couches and got the movie ready. They set all the toys up around the TV and dressed up. Bakugo then gently woke up Izuku who quickly ran to the kitchen and vomited in the sink. He went back after and noticed the whole set up. The class smiled widely as he grinned and his eyes sparkled.
"WOW!!!" He screamed and jumped onto Bakugo, seating them onto (throwing them onto) their seat on the couch. Bakugo smiled and hugged the boy, as Kirishima turned the first movie on.

The Day the Monster ChangedDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora