61 - Physics Stuff

Start from the beginning

Aditi held up a hand.

"Aditi you don't need to raise your hand." Fury sighed.

"There's a squirrel and a hawk that have been sitting outside of the tower for a little while now. I think they knew Fiona. I think they should be invited." Though her voice was low, it carried across the room.

"It's wildlife Aditi, I think they can go where they choose." Clint said.

"No, I think we should formally invite them. She made me promise to look after the wildlife, to treat them with respect. I think it's what she would have done, what she would have wanted." Aditi shrugged, as though the matter was over.

Fury closed his one visible eye and took a deep breath, before opening his eye again and answering. "Yes Aditi we can invite the squirrel and the hawk to the funeral. Does anyone else have any questions before we move on?"

Aditi's head fell forwards onto the table with a bang. In seconds Peter had his zip up hoodie off and had gently placed it underneath her head. He pulled out a notebook.

"Does anyone have the time?" He asked the room at large.

"It's about 3:15." Steve replied.

"No, I need the exact time." 

"3:17." Vision replied.

Peter wrote something down in the notebook. "Vision, can you time how long she's out?"

"Of course." Vision replied. "Have you two begun noticing a pattern?"

"They're getting closer together." Peter replied, flicking through the pages. "Coinciding with her migraines, can someone dim the lights, she gets very light sensitive when she wakes up now." 

"Friday, dim the lights." Tony said. The lights in the room lowered.

"Can Wanda see into her mind while she's out like this?" Natasha asked, looking at the girl. She was barely moving, you had to look closely to see her chest rise and fall, and even that was hard to spot.

"No." Wanda replied. "We've tried a couple of times. I can see the memories once they're her own, but not while she's having them."

"That was the other thing I was going to talk to you all about." Fury said, sitting down finally.

"There's no pattern in when the memories are from." Maria added. "In case any of you were wondering. Peter can probably tell you more."

We all looked at Peter, who glanced up at us. "None of them have been from before about 1942. Some go back to before she even met Loki, when Roara was a child." He looked around the room. "Can you guys stop staring at me now, it's getting creepy."

"Clint, when did this start?" I asked across the table.

"When she was a child." He shrugged. "It's always happened, but it's not often the same person more than a few times. Used to be once every two weeks maybe. Sometimes once a month."

I nodded. "Well we can't keep waiting for her to wake up. Bruce, Tony, what's the situation in the labs?"

"We think we have the plans for a functioning diffuser, but we still don't know how they hold the powers from one person to another." Bruce replied, taking a couple of nervous glances at Aditi.

"So what you are saying is, with your plans, you could direct transfer enhanced abilities from one person to another if they're both present?" Vision asked.

"Bingo." Tony replied. "Only we don't have someone we could transfer powers into."

"I'll do it." I volunteered.

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