"You really think those are your only choices?" Loki asked, looking her up and down.

"Who else is there?" She said, exasperation echoing in every word.

Loki raised an eyebrow.

"You're not suggesting..." She trailed off, stunned.

"Well there are worse people to marry, I'm sure. You would be a princess of Asgard, as free as you wanted."

"Loki...what?!" I spluttered, getting up from the wall and carefully lowering herself onto the roof. "You cannot be seriously proposing-"

Loki held up his hands. "All I am saying is that you can't marry this man if you are already unavailable." He got off the ledge and joined her on the rooftop.

She punched him in the arm. "Unavailable?!"

"Would you prefer me to say otherwise engaged?"

"I'd prefer you to keep your mouth shut." She snorted, picking her skirts up from around her ankles and stomping towards the stairs.

"Roara, I am simply saying-"

She turned around. "Loki, I cannot be a princess! I am too young, too inexperienced. I would be an embarrassment to you, I have not even met your family, they do not know me!" She hissed.

"You could never be an embarrassment to me." He held out his hand to her. "It is only an idea, should this man persist any further in trying for your hand."

She took his hand slowly, and glancing up at him for a moment, shook it. "Fine. But only if I have no other option. It feels strange to be agreeing to marry like this. A woman does not usually have proposals on top of a castle, nor does she have them from her closest friend."

"You could say thank you." He smiled and walked with her to the spiral staircase that led down below.

"It is you who should be thanking me, I can think of no greater pleasure than being forced to spend every day with me."

"Oh I am sure I shall hate every second of it." He smiled.

"Ugh!" I fell off the bed, hitting my ass hard on the floor.

"Aditi!" Peter shouted, running over to me.

I waved him off. "I'm fine." I grumbled. "Just had another memory dream."

"Was it Roara?" He asked.

I nodded, pulling myself back onto my bed. Peter had taken to spending time in my room as my dreams had become more frequent, and I was beginning to sleep walk during them. It was mostly a precaution so I didn't accidently fall out of a window.

"Was she alone or with someone?" He asked, pulling my blanket over my shoulders.

"Loki." I replied, taking a sip of water from my bedside table.

"Recent or from the past?"


We'd begun a sort of 20 questions type game whenever I came out of a memory dream. It meant I only needed to say one or two words, and Peter could understand what I'd just seen. He began jotting down what I was saying in a diary we were keeping.

"Were they in any danger?" He asked.

I shook my head.

"What was it about?"

"Marriage." I grabbed a Tylenol from a drawer and took it with some more water.

"Is your headache bad again?"

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