𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖙𝖊𝖊𝖓

Start from the beginning

"You better tone down those video games, or else you're not reaching anywhere, Tenko. Work harder next time." Kotaro made his way back upstairs.

"ToNe DoWn ThOsE vIdEo GaMeS." Tenko mocked his fathers' last words. "I know this is going to sound weird but... I kinda expected him to do something worse than a mild scold." Hana smirked. "Maybe he is changing, we are aspiring heroes after all."

"...sure." Tenko averted his eyes.


"So like, do you want the spicy version or the normal version Tenko?" Hana was choosing between different flavors of chips. "Spicy. Always. Make it extra though, I want to burn off someone's tongue." Hana flicked Tenko on the head. "Bad Tenko, be nice not mean." The boy rubbed the spot that hardly hurt.

"Woah now, isn't that a little too spicy Shiggy?"

That voice seemed way too familiar, and there was currently only one person who called him by that name... Tenko turned around immediately. "Eh? M-Miruko?!" His eye twitched. Why is she here?

"Why are you here of all places!?" Can this day get any worse for the Shimura Tenko?

"I was just training n all, got lost, and now I want water." Rumi noticed a girl standing next to Tenko (her obviously being a bit taller than the boy.) "Hey, whoz this chick?" He sighed. "Miruko this is my twin sister Hana. Hana this is Miruko, the girl I told you about, I interned with her."

Hana blinked, "No way, so like you are the Miruko my bro told me about?"

"If we're talking about awesome, cool, and strong then yeah thats me!" Rumi pointed at herself. Hana had stars in her eyes. She saw Miruko on TV once and one thing crossed her mind: Oh my god she's so pretty!

"Hey, you never told me you had a twin."

"I'm just the better version of Tenko." Hana bragged.

"Hana!" Tenko whined, but Rumi on the other hand laughed. "HAH! I like your spirit girl."

"You two hardly know each other!"

"Less talky with you and more talky with her." Rumi ignored Tenko. "So hey, next semester work studies are comin up and your brother is probably going to come back to the agency we interned with so like, can you tell me the secrets of how to deal with him? You've lived with him for your entire life."

"Is that was this is about!?"

"Oooooh sure! Just maybe not now, he gets angry like a little kitten." Rumi laughed again. "No no, I wanna see that. Tell me girl, tell me." Hana whispered a few things. "Hey, hey, stop invalidating my feelings you two, shush!" Poor Tenko was almost like he was not there.

"Really?" Rumi looked at Hana, excited. She nodded. "Oh my GOD I have the perfect thing for him then."

"Hana! What did you tell her?"

"Oh, just none ya business."

"It is my business!"

Rumi pulled Hana to herself, "Hey, keep this between you and me, if you can, cuz I know your bro can get a big head about stuff fast but like, he's cool and fun. Just a bit of a trouble maker."

"Stop. Talking. About. Me." He really couldn't hear anything.

Rumi batted an eye, "Make sure he knows that." She winked and squished Hana's cheeks. "I'll see ya next semester Shiggy." Rumi ruffled Tenko's hair, leaving after she bought her water.

"Why are your ears red Tenko?"

"Gah!" He put his hands over his ears. "No its not!"


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