Thursday Jones and the Godlikes: The apples of Idunn

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A sample of my first published novel. Available online at Barnes and Noble and amazon and a host of other places. Soon to be available on nook, kindle edition and ereader.

Asgard, former home of the gods, is a barren wasteland rot with decay and destruction. The sky is always dark. The plants never grow because the grounds are always dry. The population considered extinct. All evidence would point to the notion that this world never existed but in reality it did.

Asgard at one point and time was a thriving majestic place filled with bright lights, gleaming spires and awe-inspiring visions of regal beauty. The denizens of the planet were all divine and godly in their power and nature. They were filled with ever increasing hope for their future. They were gods and all the other eight planets in the realm either worshiped them or because of jealousy and envy wanted to destroy them.

Enter the year 2012 A.D.

The spectral plane of Asgard hasn’t been inhabited or even visited upon in over a millennium. That fact is all about change. The atmosphere is very hot and damp. The air very calm and still until suddenly massive amounts of eldritch energy begins to crackle and form a portal allowing an entity to walk through it. The being was massive in stature standing at six foot six in height and nearly half a ton in weight.

With two black ravens perched atop each shoulder the stranger stands with a bright spear in his hand firmly planted on the ground beneath his huge frame. If not for the darkness surrounding the stranger he could be seen weeping. He remembers the beauty of the realm in its former glory.

“It’s okay my Lord,” states the Raven on his right shoulder.

“We know all these years have been hard on you but this is the beginning of a new start for all of us,” says the Raven on his left shoulder.

The entity says, “As always my faithful servants your words inspires confidence and assurance. I will need a multitude of your support in the coming days to avert the catastrophe which lies ahead. There has only been one other time in the days of gods and man that we have seen such a disaster. Great sacrifices have been made and even greater lengths must be drawn to ensure our survival. I have escaped the jaws of death to make sure this doesn’t happen again.”

The Raven on his left shoulder asks “What of the Sky Council? Do you have their support?”

“No,” replies the old stranger. “As usual I’m on my own. I’ve been given four years to this day to make things right and if not the human race will be decimated. The Sky Council is tired of them underachieving as a people. They’ve grown wary of the prejudices toward one another. They were meant to walk hand and hand as the human race and prosper together instead they segregate themselves away from each other based on the color of their skin. They have also been infested with too much greed and lust.”

“What will happen if the mortals are decimated?” asks the Raven on his right shoulder.

“We will start the race over but with far more divine influence over them. I will oppose them for two reasons. First the mortal race must find their own way and with the proper guidance that I shall send them they will.”

“What’s the second reason my Lord?” questions the Raven on his left shoulder.

“The Sky Council wants to destroy the human race and rebuild it again because they yearn for mortal worship once more. The hypocrisy and irony of it all is that they want to commit genocide due to their all too mortal need to get their egos stroked.”

“What of your support my Lord, will they be up to the task that you set before them?” asks the right shoulder raven.

“Maybe not on their own but my self-appointed chosen one will lead them down the right path. Of that I am sure.” replies the huge being.

Thursday Jones and the Godlikes: The apples of IdunnWhere stories live. Discover now