88- head over heels

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Aylin's POV

Since we planned on doing a double mission of going to Rainbow's End and completing our outing with a sundowner at the beach, Zayn was disciplined enough to go to bed at exactly 10pm last night.

I, on the other hand, could not fall asleep until at least an hour later. Despite being a scaredy cat during the movie, he was able to forget about his paranoia as soon as his head hit the pillow.

I'll always envy people who can do that, but it gave me time to just stare at him in awe as he so peacefully got some slumber, in a non-creepy way.

My alarm woke me at 8 sharp this morning, and instead of waking up beside my boyfriend, I was greeted by another sticky note pasted on my forehead, which Zayn used to inform me that he's going out for a stroll and will be back by 9.

I don't know what time he left, and I wish he was a little bit more specific with where he's going or what he has to do, because if it's just a regular morning stroll, I would've loved to join him.

But whatever he's been up to, it gave me time to shower and get dressed. I won't bother making up the bed since we fell asleep on the mattress that's still on the floor. He can deal with that.

Once I've slipped into a blue sundress with my bikini underneath, I head to the kitchen to prepare omelettes for the two of us, hoping that he returns soon so it doesn't get cold.

Luna gives me a call while I crack the eggs, gushing about how Jack bought her some cute anklet last week.

"Smart gift." I smile at her, "Is it because it's easily hide-able?"

"Duh." She lays back on her bed, "I think it's official official now."

"Gifts involved... I'd say it's getting there. Did he ask you yet?"

"Not yet, but—"

"Luna." I give her a look.

"No, listen!" She interrupts, "He's not seeing other girls so..."

"No buts. He has to ask you."

"He's so shy." She groans, "What if he never does? I don't wanna be the one to ask him."

"Don't do that." I warn her, "When I visit, I have to have a proper conversation with this guy. Zayn was actually the one who pointed it out to me that you liked him."

"Of course he did. Nothing gets past him." She rolls her eyes, "When last have you heard from Zayn?"

I can't hide my smile when she mentions his name. This is the first time we've caught up this week, so she's unaware that he's here.

"He's been here since Friday."

Her eyes widen briefly, "What? Are you guys back together?"

I nod as I add the chopped up peppers and seasoning to the mixture.

"No way." She gapes at me.

"Yes way." I add everything to the pan.

"Hmm..." she ponders, "That explains a lot."

"What do you mean?" I try to suppress my smile, assuming she'd mention how I'm being extra chirpy, or the fact that I haven't posted anything on Instagram.

Instead, she gestures to her cleavage, so I look down at mine that has a very evident hickey on it.

Instantly, I move the phone and decide on holding it while I cook, "That was the curling iron."

"If you don't want people seeing your burn mark, maybe wear a bra with your low-cut T-shirts." She suppresses a laugh, "Just a suggestion."

I adjust my top, "Maybe you can stop pointing out things like that."

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