A Night in the Pit

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Thomas was bewildered by the news. "What?"

"It didn't attack me. And when I shouted at it to leave you and come after me instead, it did it so quickly that...I think it might have been obeying me...or something,"

Thomas was more petrified by the minute. "Ed listen. You cannot tell anyone about this. I'd hate to think of what Gally or someone might do to you if they find out,"

"Maybe I could use that to help us,"

"We can't take that chance,"

"Surely Newt would understand. I can see how close you two have grown," he held a mischievous smile. 

"Oh shut up," Thomas pushed his shoulder as Edward chuckled. "Can we please just keep this secret for the time being?"

Edward saw that he was just trying to protect him. "Okay. But we can't keep this secret for long,"

Thomas sighed and nodded. "Let's just try and get some sleep,"

His little brother nodded. 

They laid their backs against the wall and began to drift off with Edward's head falling onto Thomas's shoulder. 


All the other Gladers were getting into their hammocks. Newt remained rather quiet, mainly because he was concerned for Alby's wellbeing. He saw Gally approaching him. "They're both locked in the pit,'

"Are they are in the same pit?"

"Yes," Gally spat. 

Newt was about to step into his hammock. 

"Why are you so soft on them?" Gally questioned. 

Newt turned on him with a soft but strong frown. "Because I believe in them,"

"They broke the walls,"

"Yes. No one except Thomas and Edward have ever done that before. And because of that Alby is still here,"

"Don't you think it's strange that the moment they got here, everything started going wrong?"


"Well then why are you not skeptical o them?"

"Because unlike you Gally I can see that all they're trying to do is help us get out of the Maze. This is the first time in years that we've had got a clue to help us find a way out. And it's all because of them. We may yet be getting out of here sooner or later," 

Gally just turned around in frustration. 

"The Maze may be dangerous Gally but we cannot stay here forever. Those brothers have given me hope, more hope than I have ever had in years,"

Gally just kept his back turned and dropped his husky body into his hammock ignoring everyone who was glancing or glaring at him. 

Newt fell into his hammock, hoping that somehow Alby would be better by the next morning. He turned towards the Pit and thought about the brothers, about Thomas. He couldn't exactly explain it even to himself, but somehow he had a strange feeling that Thomas was part of his past. But now that he was in here with, he alongside his brother were giving him something which he thought he would never feel again for the first time in years. 



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