Chapter Two

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You were working on personalizing your cast that had been wrapped around your left arm when Tony finally appeared.

He stepped out of his armor and let it fly away, collapsing in his floating chair with a sigh. He rubbed his hands across his face, still not acknowledging you.

He was trying to guilt you into agreeing to never do what you just did again. Definitely not the first time he had done it and not once had it worked.

You gave him a sly smile, refusing to give into his game. "Clint get shot again?"

He glared at you. "Y/n, this cannot happen again."

"I was fine," you grumbled.

"Only because I was there in time!" Oh boy, Tony standing up was never a good sign. "I can't guarantee that next time. I'm responsible for your safety."

"I'm not helpless," you argued. "I've practiced fighting with the others."

"And you still froze. You could have been killed—" you flinched and he paused, letting out a sigh before continuing in a quieter tone. "I'm sorry. I was worried about you."

He held out his arms and, since he wasn't much for affection, you accepted, letting him wrap his arms around you.

"He turned into a cat."

You lifted your head up to look at him, ready to laugh until you saw how serious his face was. "The villain turned into a cat?"

"Nat said I should let you have a go at him," Tony started. In the past, Tony had let you talk to his captives if there was urgent information they couldn't get. You knew it still bugged him that he couldn't figure out how you did it but you didn't plan on letting him know your secret any time soon. "You don't need to."

"Tony, please, let me see the kitty." Your brain seemed to be having trouble differentiating between a cat and a villain-transformed-into-a-cat.

"Just be careful. He's bound up and his magic is restricted but he's still dangerous."

"I will," you promised, setting a kiss on his cheek and racing up the stairs with a grin. It had been far too long since you could do anything as exciting as this.

"I'll be right outside and Bruce is watching the cameras," Natasha assured you as you approached the containment unit for captured villains, showing her guns resting on her belt.

You would think you were ten years old by the way you were coddled. He was trapped by an almost impenetrable glass, magic bound, and a literal cat.

By now, you were almost imagining some huge cat covered in weapons and blood, ready to slice your neck open. In reality, all you saw was an adorable black cat pacing around the circular cage.

Didn't look very scary.

Carefully approaching the glass cell with Natasha at the entrance, the cat stopped pacing to look at you.

"You," the cat spoke, looking at you with a glint in his eye that you didn't like.

Subconsciously, your mind switched something to let you understand him. You had automatically been able to understand languages for as long as you could remember. Speaking to a cat was a first, though.

"You remember me?" What were you supposed to ask him again?

"I assume Stark sent you to interrogate me." His tail flicked as he sat down, raising his paw as if to lick it, then remembering he wasn't a cat.

For the first time, you wondered if your tricks would work. It wasn't often you had to work on a magic user, let alone one that likely had actual training.

Calling up the power of persuasion you used in these situations, you focused it on the cat, trying not to outwardly show any sign that would clue Natasha into what you were doing.

"Do you plan on doing any more damage or have set anything in motion to cause more damage?" Using your powers was like a breath of fresh air. It was a better feeling than any alcohol could ever create.

Seeming completely unaffected by what you were sending his way, he seemed to do something resembling a shrug.

You were almost tempted to grab a can of tuna and see if he would fold for fish but you had a feeling it wouldn't work. If he immediately brushed off your—granted, pathetic—magical attempts, he was stronger than you originally thought.

All he did was gaze at you with those blue-green eyes, practically taunting you to try again. Instead, you closed your eyes, focusing on relaxing your mind like you had taught yourself to do in the past.

Giving yourself a mental pat on the shoulder for seeing your opportunity so quickly, you chased the invisible line into his mind. There was no good way to explain what you did. You could sense the opening into someone's mind and just...float right in there.

Everyone had a mental wall before entering their mind, but they were all fairly easy to pass. Some, without consciously realizing, strengthened their wall, but most didn't have anything.

This villain's wall, on the other hand, immediately blocked your mind. It was almost like a physical wall, rebounding you straight out of his mind and shooting you back into yours.

Fucking hell, that hurt. The cat was just a black blur in front of you as your head pounded.

You could have sworn he smirked. "Not so easy, is it?" You had yet to encounter someone who could block you so you were out of options.

"Hey." Natasha's voice reminded you that you weren't alone there, and you turned to her. "You can't work magic." Hah, if only she knew. "It's okay for you to stop sometimes. Leave him to us."

Disappointment had you furrowing your brows, nodding and walking away from the cat. He hadn't been affected in the slightest and you didn't have enough training to invade his mind.

"Don't look so down." You forced a smile to your face to assure Natasha you were okay. "Tonight is an exciting night, remember."

"As if I could forget," you remarked. "The day I get the mark that will lead me to my so called 'soulmate.'" The chances of actually finding your soulmate, if that person even existed, were so ridiculously small, you weren't sure there was a point in hoping.

Most of the Avengers, as they called themselves, had either lost their mark or person, or they were with them.

Natasha's was permanently carved off; Tony had Pepper; Clint had his wife—who, technically, you weren't supposed to know, but accidentally read his mind once—and Steve claimed his was dead.

"Why don't you go sleep?" She suggested when you stayed silent the rest of the walk to the elevator. "I'll wake you up at midnight."

She didn't actually wait for an answer, instead pressing the button to take you to your floor. "Okay."

She squeezed your shoulder reassuringly, wrongly assuming your silence was due to the soulmate situation. "We'll find them."

In reality, it was so far from your mind. All you could think about was how pathetically you failed. You desperately needed training.

Notice: I have rewritten the story so old comments might be confusing. And if the topic changes from a future chapter to another (or line to the next) it's because I haven't edited that far.

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