"I'll expect our kind of phone sex to be conducted naked, via Skype, on video call baby," and I get the Carrero wink that makes my knees go weak.

Of course, he does.

The naughty look he throws my way says he's serious, then he turns, and I walk with him to the door. He kisses me one last time before sauntering out, dressed to impress in an immaculate three-piece gray suit over a crisp white shirt. He doesn't often do waistcoats under his jackets, but this Saville Row number makes him hotter than hot. I sigh blissfully, watching that ass move out the door, then muse a little sadly when it shuts, and he's gone again all too soon. He is far too tempting nowadays, and I still can't get a handle on the craziness of my sex crazed hormones.

Damn. Maybe video phone sex isn't such a bad idea after all?

Especially if I need to get through forty-eight hours alone.

Forty-eight hours to amuse myself and I'm determined to find something more productive to do than sitting around twiddling my thumbs, feeling like a crazy horny pregnant woman. There's no denying it, that man has simply ruined me.

Tomorrow I am going to shop, maybe abuse that sexy gold card Jake always leaves in my purse, buy some things for this little tadpole seeing as I can't get round the fact of it coming. We've already picked the nursery in our new home. I'm sure spending money on Jake's offspring is acceptable seeing as I'm still getting used to this money thing. I did agree to accept this part of his lifestyle and indulge a little, so that's exactly what I'm going to do.

At least try to.

I flicker down at my slightly extended stomach and sigh, its presence ignites a familiar tingling ache in my heart, running a hand over it soothingly. Shopping will be a good distraction.

We've heard nothing from Marissa directly, but the lawyers have informed Jake she is fighting the DNA, tooth, and nail. I'm not surprised, since she seems to be hell bent on making this a battle every step of the way. All her recent outburst has done is convince me she really believes this baby is Jake's, so it must be. She wouldn't fight for it this hard and this much if it wasn't.

I turn my thoughts back to our plans, and Hunter, in a bid to push the Demon Bitch back off the cliffs of my
mind where she belongs. We're going to hit the club
that we went to on Arrick's birthday, if I can talk Sarah
and Leila into it, and then Daniel will get his chance to talk Leila out of her crazy decision, with all of us backing him up. I like this plan and knowing how much of a party girl Leila
is I'm sure she won't say no to a girly night out with her two most favorite women.

* * *

Jake wasn't kidding when he said he wanted to try video sex! However, what we've ended up doing is laughing a whole lot on a Skype call, while I sit in my underwear and he lies in a hotel bed with a sexy naked torso making me ache. Sexy turned to funny and before we know it, he has me crying tears of laughter. I forget sometimes that he can be quick witted and sharp, his sense of humor is devastating; I can't remember ever laughing as much as this ever in my life and my muscles ache with the effort.

"Soon as you're able to start flying again I'm bringing you everywhere I go." He sighs at me through the iPad screen. I trace the shape of his mouth on the smooth surface, an internal loneliness aching through me that I always get at his absence.

"You need to get used to this; soon enough I won't be able to follow you around the world, Jake. We'll have a child to stay home for." I sigh at him and snuggle down in bed matching his pose, getting comfortable.

"I'll bring you both." He raises a stubborn eyebrow and I can only giggle.

"And what about when it starts pre-school or an actual school? You can't just demand we come with you anytime you need to go." I giggle at that boyish face.

The Carrero Solution (Book three of The Carrero Series)Where stories live. Discover now