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It was another average night at the glade and the gladers were all sound asleep after a long, hard day. Well, everyone except for Thomas and Newt.

They sat next to each other against a log, secluded from the other boys. They were star gazing and talking. It was something they did more often than not.

They were having another pointless conversation and this time, it was about hedgehogs.

"Yeah okay, but what if they had to wear clothing, like people do?" Thomas asked making Newt erupt in laugher with the thought, Thomas joining him.

Through the laugher, Newt managed to notice a necklace Thomas had dangling from his neck. It had a charm hooked onto it which looked like a small paper airplane, but instead made of metal. It looked just like the one Newt had burried in his pocket.

And that small glance was all it took.


"I love you." Thomas said with a smile spread across his face.

The atmosphere was different, much more civilized, Newt thought. Thomas was wearing a white t-shirt and a pair of jeans, which weren't ripped and dirty like what he had on now. His body was also free of dirt and Newt could clearly see Thomas' face in much more detail.

"I love you too." Newt replied, pressing a kiss to Thomas' lips.


Newt was suddenly able to remeber a night in which him and Thomas were holding hands, fingers intertwined, hands warm. They walked slowly down the street, Newt admiring the way Thomas smiled at the ground. Newt diverted his gaze to their hands and he smiled. He realized he was never as happy as he when he was next to Thomas.

"What would I do without you, Tommy?" He asked and Thomas only replied with a smile and a kiss to Newt's cheek.


The atmosphere changed again and Newt was staring a polaroid photo of himself and Thomas.

"I like that one a lot." Thomas commented.

"Me too." Newt replied taping it onto a wall, covered with many other photos of them.


Newt and Thomas' lips were centimeters apart, their eyes never breaking contact. They were standing under a lamppost on 6th street. Thomas leaned in and kissed Newt.

Newt could remeber perfectly how they kissed.


"Here, I got you this." Newt stated nervously, handing a necklace to Thomas. They were only sixteen.

Thomas' eyes lit up as he smiled, taking the necklace, and putting it around his neck.

"I love it." Thomas mumbled with a smile.

"I have one just like it." Newt smiled back, "Now you can keep me next to your heartbeat, where I should be."

Thomas nodded his head and leaned in to kiss Newt.


Newt was suddenly holding Thomas closely, face burried in his neck. Newt felt like crying for some reason.

"I promise you won't ever be alone, Tommy. I promise it'll get easier. And if you hurt me, its okay, baby. We'll fix it. I won't ever let you go." Newt muttered as tears began to soak Thomas' shirt.

"I love you, Newt. Always remeber that, please." Thomas choked out.


"I love you." Newt was sat on a couch with a phone pressed to his ear, a smile spread across his face.

"I love you, too... Hey, wait for me to come home." He heard Thomas whisper through the phone, although he never did come home.


In those short 30 seconds, Newt was able to remeber everything him and Thomas were. All becuase of a necklace.

He sort of wished he could remain in that day-dreaming state where time seemed to be frozen, and their hearts were never broken.

"Newt? Newt?!" Thomas interupted, waving a hand in front of Newt's face.

Newt looked back up at the boy's brown eyes. Thomas just stared back at him, puzzled. Newt couldn't help himself.

He leaned in and pressed his lips against Thomas' in a deep kiss. Thomas placed a hand around the back of Newts neck.

Newt immediately pulled away at the realization of what he had done, breathless and heart racing. He wanted to apologize.

"Tommy, I-" Newt was unable to finish his sentence before Thomas pulled him in for another kiss.

"I love you." Newt managed to say between kisses.

"I love you, too." Thomas replied breathlessly.

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