Chapter 2

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"Harry, is Teddy dressed?" Ginny screamed up the stairs.

"Yes, Gin! Is his bottle ready?" Harry yelled back, from his and Ginny's bedroom in the Burrow.


Harry picked up the baby, who's hair was yellow with joy. Teddy loved his godfather. Teddy was five months old, and had only been with his parents for two weeks. While his hair still turned to the colors of his parents' hair, it did so less and less often. He didn't really remember Remus and Tonks.

Harry walked down the stairs, Teddy in his arms. When he reached the bottom, he handed the infant to Ginny who had been waiting.

"Come on, Teddy bear! Let's go eat breaky!" Ginny said, in a high pitched baby voice.

Teddy squealed, his hair going bright yellow before turning fiery red, like Ginny's, and then back to yellow, signaling that he was happy with Ginny.

"Today's the day, Teddy bear. We're going to Hogwarts today with Ron, and Hermione. We're bringing you with us too!" Ginny said, as she grabbed his bottle from the table.

"Ginny, Harry, dears, food is ready." Molly called.

"Thanks Mum." Ginny smiled.

"Thanks Mrs- I mean, Molly." Harry echoed.

"Oh it's nothing dears." Molly smiled.

The large Weasley family sat down and started eating breakfast. Ginny had set Teddy in his highchair so he could drink his milk.

When they finished eating, Harry, Ginny, Ron and Hermione quickly finished packing their trunks so they could go. Then the family, got into the car, and drove to King Cross Railroad.

"Ready dears?" Molly asked.

"Ready." Ron said, hugging his mother before walking through the portal.

"Give me Teddy, Ginny dear, so you can push your cart." Molly instructed.

Ginny obeyed and began to push her cart. Teddy looked at Molly with fascination, before reaching up for her hair. Molly smiled at the five month old before moving her hair away from his fists.

Ginny walked through the portal then Harry did. Molly followed them, with Hermione behind her.

Teddy reached out for Harry, whining slightly.

"I'm right here, Teddy Bear." Harry soothed, taking the baby from Molly.

"Harry?" Ginny asked, looking over at Harry. "Is Teddy alright?"

"Yep. He just wanted me to hold him." Harry explained.

Teddy giggled, his hair turning yellow with joy before returning to its default turquoise. He rested his head on Harry's shoulder and closed his eyes.

"Here, this is Teddy's bags, Harry dear." Molly told him, handing Harry two bags.

"Thanks Molly." Harry said.

"No problem dear. Now, you should get on the train before any-" Molly was cut off when a swarm of reporters found the family and Harry.

The reporters started yelling and shouting questions, each one demanding Harry's attention.

"Harry Potter! Is that your son?!" One screamed.

"No, this is my godson. He is the child of Remus and Nymphadora Lupin. The both died fighting against Death Eaters during the Battle of Hogwarts, leaving Teddy in my care." Harry replied.

"Mr. Potter, may we have an interview for the Dailey Prophet?" Another reporter yelled.

"I'm afraid not. I have to catch the train." Harry said.

With that said, Harry, Ginny, Ron and Hermione waved goodbye to the rest of the Weasley family, before boarding the train.

Teddy began to whine again, his hair turning ginger.

"Time for pass the baby." Harry smirked.

Ginny rolled her eyes as Ron took Teddy to see if that would quiet the baby.

Teddy continue to whine so Ginny took her turn. Thankfully it appeared that Ginny was who Teddy wanted to be held by, so he stopped whining and giggled.

His hair returned to its normal color.

"Come on, let's find a car." Ginny said.

"We've got to go to the prefect carriage, see you guys as soon as we're done." Hermione said, giving Teddy a kiss on the forehead, and hugging Harry before leading Ron to their cart.

"Let's sit here." Harry decided a few minutes later when he noticed Luna and Neville in a cart with nobody else.

"Alright." Ginny agreed.

Ginny entered the cart, Harry right behind her, with Teddy in her arms. She sat down across from Luna Lovegood. Harry sat across from Neville Longbottom.

"Hey guys." Ginny said in greeting.

"Hello Ginny. Hello Harry." Luna said, in her airy voice.

"Hey mates." Neville smiled.

"Nice to see you guys again." Harry said, taking Teddy from Ginny and bouncing the boy slightly on his knee.

"Who is this little one?" Luna asked fascinated with Teddy's hair color, which had just changed colors to match Harry's.

"Remus and Tonks's boy." Ginny replied.

For a moment there was silence, to remember the two parents who had never even seen their baby's first smile.

"He's adorable. So much like them already. Do you have full custody?" Neville asked.

"Yeah, but Andromeda wants to see him every weekend and we agreed. Teddy here, is all she has left of her family." Harry explained.

Again there was slight silence before conversation picked up again.

"What will you be doing with him at Hogwarts?" Luna wondered.

"We'll take turns taking care of him with Andromeda. We worked everything out with her yesterday. Monday through Friday we have Teddy. After classes on Friday finish, we'll floo to her house and drop him off. Then she'll floo to Hogwarts before classes start Monday morning so we can have him again." Ginny explained.

"Sounds nice." Luna said dreamily.

"We're here!" Ron said, opening the door to the cart.

"Sorry we took so long. Being Head Boy and Girl is harder than being prefects." Hermione added.

"No problem. We understand." Neville smiled.

"Oh! We'll be at Hogwarts soon. We should change." Hermione realized.

They all took turns changing before sitting back down again.

Teddy whined softly. Ginny took him from Harry, and rubbed his back in soft circles.

"Harry, when was the last time Teddy was fed." Ginny asked.

"Breakfast before we ate." Harry replied.

"He's probably hungry. Grab his bottle, will you?" Ginny asked.

"Sure Gin." Harry pulled out Teddy's bottle and use a charm to heat the milk inside up a bit.

"Here." Harry handed Ginny the bottle.

Ginny gave Teddy the bottle, and the baby drank the milk inside up greedily.

Soon after, the train came to a stop.

"We've arrived!" Hermione squealed.

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