Patrick Stump #1

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First Meeting/The Teen Incident

*Brief mentions of suicide*

You were outside shoveling your driveway. It was a Sunday so you had to do it today because otherwise you wouldn't be able to get to work the next day. Once you finished your driveway you went inside and made yourself some coffee. You plugged your phone into some speakers that your older sister had bought you for Christmas two years ago. You started playing your favorite Green Day album Dookie. Just as 'Basket Case' began to play you got a call from your neighbor, Diane. Diane was a 83-year-old woman whose husband had committed suicide after being diagnosed with lung cancer. You paused your music, picked up the phone and said hello. 

You: Hello?

Diane: Hi, Y/N. I was looking out my window and saw that you had finished shoveling your driveway and was wondering if you would be willing to do mine. 

You: Of course. I'll be over in a couple minutes. 

Diane: Thank you so much. See you soon. 

You hung up and went to go put your layers back on. Once you walked out your door you grabbed your shovel and walked over to Diane's house. She was just four houses away, so it really wasn't that big a deal. As you started you realized that you left you phone on the kitchen counter. You dropped your shovel and ran back to your house. You hadn't been gone more than 2 minutes. When you got back over there you saw a group of 7 teenagers coming towards you. Some with baseball bats, others with rocks and the "leader" of the group had a shovel. You heard parts of their conversation as they approached you. 

Kid 1: Who the fuck is that? 

Kid 2: I don't know. But whoever she is she can hear us. 

Kid 4: Then shut up! 

They didn't stop walking until they were right in front of you. You weren't that worried about them, they didn't look like the kind of teens that would actually carry out their threats. 

Leader: Fuck off! This is our turf. Who the fuck do you think you are? 

You: I am here to clear Mrs. Gid's driveway. I'm not going to go anywhere until it's done. If you have a problem with that you'll just have to deal with it. I don't have time to worry about some little kids. 

Leader: That bitch doesn't deserve to be helped. I wish she would just die already. But you... how dare you talk to me like that. We'll fuck you up. Dan! Show her not to mess with us! 

Just then one of the kids with a baseball bat hit you in the stomach. You screamed and fell to the ground, this was the second time in your life that you had felt this much pain. Quickly after falling to the ground you were kicked in the head and you passed out. 

*4 hours later*

You woke up on an unfamiliar couch. Your head was pounding so hard that you couldn't hear much else. You could just make out that somebody was in the other room singing. You quickly sat up and groaned. You needed some aspirin your head was killing you. You looked up when you heard an unfamiliar voice, you then screamed. When you looked up a man who looked like he was in his late twenties was staring down at you. He had brown hair and beautiful blue-ish eyes. He was wearing a fedora and maroon sweater along with a pair of black sweatpants. He was attractive... but who was he? 

Stranger: Hi! I'm glad you're finally awake. I was getting worried. Almost took you to the hospital. You're probably wondering where you are and who I am. My name is Patrick Stump and I live like two houses down from you! You're in my house because I was just getting home and saw you pass out. I honked at the kids and they ran... but I then picked you up and brought you to my house. I asked Diane who you were and where you lived so that  I wasn't, like, kidnapping you from your grandmother and you really lived in Florida or something. 

So, his name was Patrick. At least... that is what he SAID his name was, he could be lying. But why would he make up such an elaborate lie? Cause that is what crazy people DO. A voice in your mind shouted at you. You decided that his answer to your next question would determine if he was lying or not. 

You: If you live near me then why have I not seen you around before? I've been living here for two months. I've never seen you. 

He laughed. You didn't see what was so funny... you just wanted to go home and get rid of this headache. Today did not go as planned. 

Patrick(?): You're trying to figure out if I'm lying. Holy smokes you're good. The answer is that I'm in a band and we have been touring for the last two months. If you want to check my story your phone is on the coffee table. You look like you're in pain... I'll go get you some aspirin. 

And with that he left the room again. You decided that you would look him up just to make sure. You grabbed your phone and opened Google. You typed in Patrick but you couldn't remember his last name. It started with S you remembered that much. You typed that in and the first name was Patrick Stump. You pressed that and you then saw his face. So he was telling the truth. He then walked into the the room and handed you some aspirin. You took it, along with a glass of water, and swallowed the pills. He looked at you and smiled. 

You: I looked you up. You and your band seem pretty famous. It says you're the lead singer? Was that you singing earlier? 

Patrick: Yeah it was. Sorry about that, I got into the habit of warming up my voice around this time of day and so I was doing that. 

You: It was nice. I'd love to hear you sing again at some point. Are you and your band playing in the area anytime soon? 

Patrick: Yeah. We're going to be performing in like two weeks at Soldier Field  just around the corner from here. 

You: Cool. I'll see if I can make it. 

Patrick: It would be awesome if you came. It would be even better if you came as my date. 

You: Only if I get a good seat.

Patrick: How about  a backstage pass? 

You: That works too. I have to go now Patrick. But I will see you soon.

Patrick: It was nice meeting you. I hope to spend more time with you at a later point in time. 

And with that you walked out the door. Not knowing that you had just met your future husband.

The End.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2015 ⏰

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