Chapter 2

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Catherine had gone back to her room to wait for Narcisse. After what had happened last night, she'd wanted to talk to him. But right now, she decided it was best if it waited until things calmed down. She had too much on her plate to try and work out her feelings. She needed to focus on Francis and finding a way to stop Mary.
When Narcisse finally showed up she went to the door and stepped into the hallway. She was afraid if she let him in, he'd read more into the situation.

"You wished to speak with me?" He said.

"Yes, I know I called for you, but I can't discuss what happened with us last night. Not right now. Not with Francis...."she said, trying not to get emotional.

"I understand. It can wait until Francis is well." He said.

"You mean if he gets well." She replied.

"I already told you...your overreacting he'll be fine." He said. He leaned over and kissed her. "When you're ready." He said and left.

Mary sat by the fire in Francis's room, still yet unable to bring herself to go to him. She was too afraid to make it real. If she just stayed where she was, it wasn't real. She also didn't want to believe Catherine was right. That this was her fault somehow. But that was crazy...wasn't it? 'It's an ear infection. How could I possibly have caused an ear infection?' She asked herself. Yet, still, she had a sinking feeling that she had. She stood and started pacing the room. She started to walk towards the bed and stopped, then she started again, and stopped again. Finally, decided she needed to do it. She had to face it. She started walking towards the bed again and the door opened and Lola entered the room. Mary stopped.

"Mary, I hate to bother you right now, but there's a problem. The court is starting to get worried. They heard about Francis. They are demanding answers. Some are already arguing over new politics. They act like he's already dead." Lola said.

"Then we will simply have to assure them that the King is well." Mary said, walking towards the door.

"Well? Mary, he may not be dead...but he's far from well. Shouldn't we just tell them the truth?" Lola asked.

"We can't. There would be chaos. No. We must keep them from panicking until we know if Francis will get better or not." Mary said. "But perhaps you were right, saying he is well is a little much. But I will have to make his condition seem less serious...have the court gather in the throne room. I'll make a statement. Calm their fears." Lola nodded and started to leave. "And tell the guard to fetch Catherine. We'll have to agree on what to tell them." Lola ducked out and went to do as Mary had asked.

Catherine. How was she supposed to face her after their last conversation? She didn't really blame her for being angry or upset. How could she? She was only trying to protect her son. If only she explain herself, but Catherine would never understand, because all she can see is what it's doing to him. She didn't know what to say to her. She knew she was right, but if she ever admitted that or acted like she needed her help, Catherine would probably just take that as license to take control over her, and she couldn't have that. Catherine always told her not to be weak, she had to do her best to stand her ground, especially to her.

Meanwhile, Catherine had a wave of inspiration. She decided to have Narcisse help her with Mary, that way she could keep him busy enough to postpone having to figure out what to do about him, while simultaneously being able to use his skills to her advantage. She knocked on his door.

"I just saw you a few moments ago, is my charm really that addictive?" he said. Catherine rolled her eyes. He reached for her face, she slapped his hand away.

"Don't be so full of yourself, this isn't about that." She said "I am in need of your assistance."

"Is 'assistance' code...for something?" he asked coily.

"No. It is not code for something. I need you to help me with Mary. I need more information and I can't get it myself. She knows all of my tricks. She also knows which of my ladies are not just ladies. She'll know if I'm watching her." she explained, even though that wasn't entirely true, she still had a few tricks.

"So you're ready to play chess with her then?" he said. With a sly grin on his face. He relished the idea of destroying the girl who killed his son.

"No. What I said before still holds. I don't want her destroyed...only her plans. If I can't change her mind, I want to make sure she is unable to carry them out. I only want information. I don't want you to interfere without coming to me first. Is that clear?" she said sternly.

"Alright, consider it done. Now, tell me, is there...anything else, I can do for you." he asked taking a step toward her.

"Stop it. My son may be dying down the hall. It's not the time for that." she scolded.

"But it was the time last night." he accused. She scowled at him. He was right, but she was furious with herself for it.

"That was different, I was upset, I wasn't thinking clearly. It was completely inappropriate." she said.

"I see. My apologies. Perhaps, we should defer this...conversation to another time." He said. She nodded and started for the door. When they got into the hall, a guard approached.

"Your Grace." he said "Queen Mary requests you presence in the throne room. The court appears to have caught wind of the King's condition. They are assembling as we speak."

Catherine looked to Narcisse worried, and they both left for the throne room.

When they got there Mary was waiting in the hall for her. Narcisse whispered something in Catherine's ear. Mary looked angry when she noticed Narcisse with her. Why was that son-of-a-bitch constantly at her side lately?

"Go on inside Stefan, I need to confer with the Queen." She said. The eyed each other. Suddenly Mary knew exactly what to say to her...

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