Coffee Birds

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It was around 5:00am, the time where everyone in town was almost always asleep. Sure some villagers like to start the day early (or simply never go to bed) but most of the time, this was the quiet hour, for everyone but two. Blathers, who worked in the museum, had it running 24/7, usually finding time to sleep during the day anytime somebody didn't need to talk to him. He is an owl, afterall. The second was a fellow member of the bird family, Brewster, a barista extraordinaire who kept his roost, which was located in the museum, open 24/7. People believe Brewster finds time to rest during the evening hours of the day, when most people are at home, but some would say he never sleeps. Doesn't matter the hour of the day; if you walk in, he would be up, ready to serve you. And today was no different.

Brewster was polishing a coffee mug, listening to the soothing sounds of piano music echoing through the empty cafe. Even in the busiest times, The Roost was almost never loud. It's like an unspoken rule to not be loud in the roost. However, the near silence was broken when Brewster heard somebody walking in. He glanced over and saw Blathers, approaching the counter and taking a seat. Brewster put down the mug he was cleaning and approached him. 

"Hello Blathers. How are you feeling today?" Brewster asked in his softly spoken voice. "Oh y'know..same old same old. Just getting to the point where I'll need to sleep soon, but..I figured I'd try and get through at least the first part of the morning with some coffee." He responded. Blathers often found himself talking a little more than he may have needed to in most conversations, but someone like Brewster who basically spends his day listening to people go on and on, doesn't mind so much.

"I see. Let me pour you a cup then." Brewster said, making a cup of coffee with lots of milk and a spoonful of sugar, using his regular house blend. It had actually been a while since Blathers had came to The Roost, which was surprising considering they worked in the same building. Brewster guessed it was because Blathers didn't like drinking coffee all the time, as it made him jittery. But, even after so long, Brewster knew the perfect way to make Blathers's coffee. He served it to Blathers, who took a small sip, sighing with delight as it went past his beak. "Perfect as always." He said, setting the cup down.

The two sat in silence for a minute, Blathers slowly sipping his coffee as Brewster prepared a cup for himself. Brewster never shared how he liked his coffee, but if you told him to make you a cup like he likes it, he would. It was a very unique blend that nobody could ever guess what it was, but it was perfect for the master himself, so there was no need for question. 

"So's life been treating you?" Blathers asked as Brewster took his first sip. "'s been fine. I just spend my time here, really." Blathers nodded a little, letting out a sigh as if he was dreaming of something. "Don't you wish you could close up shop sometimes? Take a day off or two to just..relax?" Blathers asked. The two were in the same situation where they never closed, so a life outside of their work was basically non-existent. "Hm..I think I would..but my passion for this place, and the work I put in to get's hard to leave sometimes." Brewster said, glancing around his own café. "Yeah, that's true..but even though we both are so passionate for our jobs..don't you feel like the passion..just goes away sometimes when it's all you ever see?" Blathers asked, taking another sip before exhaling slowly. Brewster was silent for a minute, drinking his brew. "It's hard for me to lose sight of passion when it's the only thing I've ever seen." Brewster responded, getting a nod from Blathers. "I see.."

About 45 minutes had past of mostly silence and some small talk, both finishing up their drinks. Brewster assumed Blathers was about to leave as he picked up his empty glass, but Blathers remained seated as Brewster cleaned his mug. "Do you remember where we started?" Blathers asked, almost getting a look of surprise from Brewster. "Of course I do.." he said, drying off the mug. Blathers sighed a little. "I met you in college. I was a history nerd obsessed with anything that made up the world, both past a present. I studied fossils, fish, bugs, art..and you were a barista at the local coffee shop on campus." 

Brewster was looking at the ground a little, now facing Blathers again. "You came in every day I worked." Brewster said, smiling slightly. "You'd run your beak off about something you discovered, or caught, or dug up. You would give me all the Gyroids you dug up while fossil hunting.." Brewster said, thinking about the past, rather fondly. Blathers smiled at his response. "Then after college, we roomed together. I tried desperately to start my own museum somewhere and you wanted nothing more than your own coffee shop. Luckily, we both found this town..which needed both." Blathers said, now smiling at Brewster, who was smiling back.

The two were quiet again for a few moments, now lost in the happy memories of the past. The two had done so much together for so long, it almost felt like they had worked together their whole lives. They didn't talk about the past too much, but this conversation was sparking something they hadn't felt in years..but neither of them wanted to speak up..until Blathers finally did.

"Y'know..I'm really happy I met you Brewster." He said, getting a look of surprise from him. "If it wasn't for you, I don't think I would've ever taken the chance with my museum..and I'm glad you've been with me through the journey." Blathers said, getting a little red as Brewster did the same. Brewster turned his back to hide that he was showing a good amount of emotion towards this; as he was never one to be emotional. "I..feel the same way, Blathers." He started quietly, making Blathers smile more. 

The two sat in silence again, as the clock now moved past 6:30. The two had spent the last hour and a half thinking about the past, and sharing emotions the two never thought they would share again. The silence would be broken by the sound of a villager walking into the museum, which Blathers perked up to. "I guess I should be going." Blather said, standing up and leaving 1,000 bells on the counter, 200 for the coffee, and a nice tip. As he was walking off, Brewster spoke up. "Come back tomorrow?" He asked, not even looking at the payment yet. Blather smiled, and nodded. "Sure thing." He said, before leaving.

Brewster could hear the sound of Blathers talking to the villager as he sat alone in The Roost once more. He collected the payment, sighing thankfully at the tip as he put it away. This truly was his passion, and sharing it with someone like Blathers, who knew him more than most..he wouldn't have it any other way. He heard a villager walk into The Roost now, who was Kiki. "Morning Brewster, once coffee please." She said, leaving the payment on the counter. "Yes, of course." Brewster said, making Kiki's coffee the way she liked it, which was much easier to remember since she was a regular. He handed her the coffee in a travel cup, as she liked to drink it while reading in the butterfly garden.

"Say Brewster..know what's up with Blathers? He was all red and stuff." She asked, which made Brewster turn away again, smiling to himself. " know Blathers. More of a night owl than an early bird." He responded. "Hmm..ok, thanks Brewster!" She said, leaving The Roost. The smile on Brewster's face didn't leave as he imagined the blush on Blathers face.

He couldn't wait to see him tomorrow.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2021 ⏰

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