Immediately, as the Batman aimed a clawed attack on his throat, he dodged like a professional dodger. He got hold of Batman's hand, did an unusually high flip above Batman's 6 feet form slid off his back as if he were a slide.

A pained gasp escaped Batman's thin lips as his prey jumped away from him. As he turned his back towards me, I noticed the claw marks on each of Batman's wings. Filled with rage, Batman followed his victim.

Surprisingly, the other vampire stopped in his tracks. He turned abruptly. Before the Batman blocked him from my vision, I saw the victim's bright red eyes landing on mine.

Something deep inside me urged my legs to move on their own accord. I moved in my vampire speed and pounced on batman, biting his neck hard without any such intention. With a painful grunt he fell facedown on the floor. I stared at the two red holes on his left neck, dreading the stunt I just did.

"It's okay. He'll be fine in a few hours. Come and help me." A voice came from beside me.

My eyes darted to the source, landing on the victim vampire.

"You made me do this!" Realization hit me like a thunderbolt.

"I had to as you weren't taking a voluntary step. Being the oldest of my kind has It's perks. I have gained the know-how to compel anyone within a particular range to do my bidding. Now, if you would please help me up, young man, I would be delighted." He phrased as more of a warning than a request.

"How do I know I won't regret helping you?" I asked skeptically.

"Well you don't have another option. Help me up." He ordered.

Like a weak brainless zombie, I helped him up.

"Take me to a safe place, I need to heal." He did it again, the compelling, making my blood boil in anger. But nonetheless, I couldn't express it even if I wanted.

I carried him, not bridal style, towards the cave that I had originally intended to seek refugee at. We reached there within a minute. I laid him inside the cave, sitting beside him myself to relax a bit. For a five foot, slim, nearly old man, he really was quite a load to my tough shoulders.

"Thanks for your help, dear young dhampir. You should leave here before Austin comes back to his senses. He won't hurt you as you were being compelled by me. He must believe I would erase your memory before letting you go." He spoke as if he was doing me a favour.

"Aren't you gonna erase my memory?" I asked.

"No, I am too crooked and selfish for that. It's not my style to let go of a prospect witness that easily, especially one who isn't a pureblood like my fellows." He said.

"You're a pureblood? And that batman?" I asked.

"A fellow pureblood friend of mine, well friend turned foe to be precise." He answered as if he was reading out facts in an encyclopedia.

"But he had bat wings. He must be a shifter, a mix breed to say." I stated.

"Don't they teach you anything in supernatural schools? I must report how incompetent the UNCS is. All pureblood vampires have bat wings, that's our signature. Did your parents never mention their ancestors?" He asked.

I stayed silent, unable think of a suitable lie.

"Don't search for lies to feed me, young man. I am a pureblood and you being a clueless dhampir makes it easier for me to detect a lie coming from you." He said.

"I-I am an orphan." I replied.

"Poor boy. Do you know who they were, your parents?" He questioned.

"I never met them. They abandoned me when I was a newborn." It slipped past my tongue.

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