"Loki! It's all snow melt and like... glacier run-off. I'll freeze to death," he was teasing you again, surely.

"No, I promise, I'll keep you warm."

There wasn't a shred of insincerity in his response and be began to take off his boots and jacket and sweater. You stared at him incredulously as he stripped entirely and backed into the freezing pool. He was about waist deep when you noticed that his skin turned blue where the water touched him.

"Loki, you're literally turning blue, I'm not getting in there. You shouldn't be in there either!"

"It's fine," he said "Trust me."

You stared at him hard. Your eyes locked, challenging each other. He challenging you to trust him, and you challenging him to admit his folly. But of course, you realized, he was a god, and he would never back down in a challenge like that.

"Ugh! This is insanity!" You huffed and took off your shoes, then sweater and pants, the frosty air biting at your skin. You braced yourself against the chill as you moved the last of your clothing and grumbled, "I know you're Asgardian, and made of tougher stuff, but if this is your idea of a fun prank on a mortal woman I'm going to be really pissed."

You ran into the water with a shriek, not stopping for a second to consider the biting chill, how stupid this was. Loki caught you in his arms and you curled up tightly against him.

"Well, see, that's the thing," he said, "I'm not entirely Asgardian."

He was a brilliant blue up to his chest now, and his skin was dotted with scarified markings.

"What's happening to you?" You said shocked, concerned.

"It's alright, my dove. I'm not the first Frost Giant this place has seen," and he squeezed you against him tighter. It was odd that it was indeed warmer there, comfortable even.

"What's a Frost Giant?" You asked.

"They're a race. Rivals of Odin. They tried to conquer Midgard once, until Odin stopped them, right here, where New Asgard is now."

"But I thought Odin was your dad?"

"Not exactly. I'm the natural son of Laufey, king of the Jötunn. Odin took me from Jotunheim when I was a baby for... diplomatic reasons, I guess. I only learned the truth ten or so years ago."

"I'm sorry," you looked up at him in shock, "Did Odin fucking steal you from your parents as a spoil of war? And didn't tell you for... Wait, how old are you?"

"Eheheh," laughing, improbably, at the situation, "My age might shock you more than the cold, but I assure you that we're well matched in Asgardian terms. As for Odin... well, I'm starting to come to terms with it now."

"That must have been so hard for you," you pressed your cheek against his shoulder.

"It was a bit dramatic actually, yes. I wound up trying to conquer Earth myself."

It shouldn't have been funny, but you choked out a laugh. Incredulous that that's what New York was about.

"So what happened to Laufey?" You loved that he was opening up like this, no matter how shocking it was.

"That's a story for another time, dove. I'm afraid it doesn't paint me in the best light," he ran his hand through your hair, and you accepted his avoidance this time, knowing that one day he might actually tell you, when he was ready.

"Why is the temperature so tolerable, here in your arms?" You asked.

"Because I'm taking in the chill for you. I can handle it," he tilted your chin up towards him and he kissed you, softly. His touch and his lips were full of vulnerability. His kiss told you that he would always be willing to take the chill for you. Whatever the chill happened to be.

According to Plan (A Loki x Reader Fanfic)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora