pov: this is how you fell in love with Small Might

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pov: this is how you fell in love with Small Might

genre: fluff


☑️ Fall in love with Toshinori because he has the purest heart of gold out of anyone you’ll ever meet. He enters the relationship with no motives or asking anything of you. He just loves you with everything he can. He is nice and not your average nice, he goes above and beyond just trying his best to make other people’s lives better.

Toshinori must be really exhausted because he forgets that he gave you a spare key to his apartment; you missed him and sent a text about spending time with him at his place. He steps into the genkan, still in All Might persona when suddenly he collapses by the door, out of breath, and coughs up blood. He transforms back to being Yagi.


His eyes snapped to meet your shocked ones. Your boyfriend, Toshi, is All Might. The same boyfriend who would rather not get involved when someone snatches the purse of an old lady instead of stopping it. The same boyfriend who'd act as an unwilling witness to crimes. The very same boyfriend who looked like he could kick the bucket any time now due to his small frame.


So all those times, he was late for the dates, occasions, times he wasn't home, and some he had to cancel was because he was out there being the number one hero?

Accidentally discovering his secret persona is both a relief and a worry.

☑️ Fall in love with Toshinori because despite having a heart of gold he is really guarded. You gotta work at getting close to him. He’ll push you away only in hopes you try a little harder for him. His love isn’t easy but it’s there he teaches you the best things in life never are.

You sat on the sofa with Toshinori holding your hand. The television was on but the volume of its sound is low. Just white noise. Something to prevent silence between you and him.

"... let's not break up, dear." You squeeze his hand.

"But we've barely seen each other." Yagi reasoned tiredly. Though his head is turned to the TV, his thoughts are focused in the conversation.

"My love's not so fragile that just because you have work to do, I wouldn't understand. I can take it."

"It'll be lonely."

You roll your eyes. "I have a life of my own, Toshi. I'm kept busy. I do wanna spend more time with you but being All Might is a part of who you are. Just promise me, you'll always come home safe and sound."

"Promises don't guarantee safety."

You rest your head on his shoulder. "I'm not gonna leave you."

Toshinori sighs and kissed the crown of your head. "I can't say the same thing."

Heroes died all the time.

☑️️ Fall in love with Toshinori because he’ll remember everything you tell them even if it’s in a whisper.

Toshinori wakes up at 3 am with bouncing thoughts on his mind. A successor. He finally found one. A quirkless like him. Young Midoriya. A bright eyed boy. He's been training him for the UA entrance exam and it's something you and him already talked about. He takes a shower and changed his clothes.

"I'm off to train young Midoriya, my dear."

"Great." You mumble, trying to fight the sleep off. "You should invite him over for breakfast here at least."At his incredulous look, you amended your statement. "Invite him over but buy him breakfast, I don't think I can cook."

"Get some rest, I'll be back soon."

"Stay safe, Toshi."

Toshinori would come home (the word home still screams at you wildly) in all sorts of injuries. He had taught you how to dress minor wounds but you don't think you could take the anxiety whenever he's hurt.

He smiles affectionately and leaned down to kiss your cheek. "I'm off."

You snuggled deep into your pillows. "Mmm. I love you."

It was said in a whisper but somehow he heard you. You know he heard you because there is a moment of just perfect silence. There is no sound of a door swinging open or closing. Or the sound of his footsteps. "On second thought, young Midoriya can wait."

☑️ Fall in love with Toshinori because he follows his heart when it comes to everything. Even if it is the irrational or not logical choice to make if his heart is behind it he’ll go that way and you can’t talk him out of it. He is really stubborn when it comes to the things he wants. Maybe that included you.

"Do you think... that maybe if I was a hero too, then I'd be more understanding?"

"Whether you're a hero or a civilian as long it's you I'm with."

☑️ Fall in love with Toshinori because even if you swear you won’t and you swear he isn't your type, you’ll find yourself falling. You might push him away and say this isn’t going to work. But then one day you wake up and realize you love him more than you’d ever like to admit.

Dating Toshinori means cuddles. It is the most integral part of dating him. Long day? Cuddles. Rest day? Cuddles. Date night? Ends with cuddles. The need to just be near this human is so strong you wondered why you ever said he just wasn't your type.

You and Toshinori have already exchanged iloveyous, yet you never really realized the weight of it until he's hospitalized once again after the villains attack on UA. You gingerly climb onto his bed, careful not to mess with the tube for the IV drip.



"We're never going to get married, aren't we?"


"You're dying."


"I don't think I can forget you."

"You should. I'd like it if you find happiness when I'm gone. You've always wanted to have a kid."

"I've only ever wanted a kid with you."


You take a shaky breath. "Every day I anticipate to see you on the news, to see your death. And everyday that passes that I don't, I breathe a sigh of relief. Only to worry again, I'm afraid the moment I stop worrying is the moment it comes true. It's only a matter of time, isn't it?"

Yagi Toshinori, strongest hero in the whole wide world, is quietly withering away in Musutafu's hospital, but it does not break him. Not until he hears the sad, resigned tone in your voice.

He could only say, "I love you."

"...love you too."

Long-time Coming: All Might x Reader (Oneshot povs)Where stories live. Discover now