You were so damn bright, drawing them in like moths to a flame. And he hated that he was one such pitiful insect. He hated that he hoarded you, like a dragon with a princess who was not his to take. But the thought of you with someone else was something he hated more.

He wasn't even ashamed of the way he'd purposefully scheduled your missions to make sure you were away from Headquarters around this time of year. He would have this year too, if extenuating circumstances hadn't derailed his plans.

The door to the bathroom opened and the loud drone of a waltz blared against his eardrums. Akainu frowned, but he swallowed his desire to retire for the night.

"Hmm~ A bit early to leave, isn't it? I was planning on sticking around a little longer."

Akainu barely spared him a glance.

"What are you doing here?" he grunted.

Kizaru's lips drew into the lazy, languid smirk he wore so well.

"Ooh~ Those drinks are too delicious," he lowered a large hand to pat his stomach, "It's scaaary how good they are."

Akainu eyed the gaudy yellow suit, letting his eyes linger on the folds of the fabric tucked into pants that were a hairsbreadth from being too tight. How the idiotic light man could look so ridiculous while still being so bright would forever remain a mystery to him.

Without waiting for a response, Kizaru meandered into a stall and closed the door. Akainu waited in the silence that followed.

"She looks beautiful tonight."

Akainu's hands balled into fists. Of course Kizaru knew exactly what to say to piss him off.

"I might just go ask her for a dance when I'm finished here," the sound of a zipper being undone, "She's been sitting by herself all night, poor thing."

Akainu's glare could have melted right through the stall door.

"Mm~? Or do you really mean to leave the ball?" Kizaru continued, "Should I head to the usual place? Hm~?"

For a brief moment, Akainu considered his words. Then his fists relaxed and he turned away.

"Do whatever the hell you want," he snapped as he thrust through the door and left Kizaru to do his business in peace.

He reached the hall and paused in the arching doorway, reluctant to enter the throng once again. He took his time surveying the crowd within. He frowned and switched his observation haki from passive to active. After a moment, Akainu's frown deepened and he enlarged the area of his observation. His ability in this area was fitting of his status as an Admiral, but it was worrying how easy it had become. It took less than a heartbeat for him to find you. As soon as he focused his intent, you were there.

Like you always were.

He ignored the low breath that escaped him. Turning away from the garish light and blaring music, he gladly left the dancehall and headed toward the quieter parts of the palace.

A thought, fleeting and quickly thrust away; he was glad you shared his dislike of these stupid social gatherings.

Akainu let the sounds of his footsteps fill his head as he followed the trace of your presence through the night. It was instinctual now, he barely had to pay attention.

As the distance between you lessened, so did his firm grip on his wandering thoughts.

He wasn't sure when it had started. When he had first looked out over a battlefield not for another opponent, but for you. To make sure you were safe? To give you an order? He didn't know.

And then you were always there. Whenever he looked for you, he never had to look far. How you seemed to sense his wants, he didn't know. How you always said what he needed to hear, he didn't know.

And Akainu did not like not knowing.

He told himself he was being a coward. What kind of man couldn't ask a simple question? He was an Admiral for fucks' sake! There was no reason for his words to falter, for his body to refuse to do what his mind wanted, needed, him to do.

The steady glow of your presence grew stronger.

He thought of your eyes, somehow both bright and determined, yet cautious and shy. Some days you could meet his stare with the ferocity of a tiger. Some days you looked away, meek as a kitten, at the barest hint of his attention. It sickened him how much he wanted, craved, your gaze.

He told himself he was being practical. Any spouse of a high-ranking Marine would face targeted attacks, even more so if they were also out on the battlefield. And he knew you would refuse to retire and stay safe within this stronghold's walls. He wouldn't want you to, either.

As much as he hated to admit it, there was truth to the words thrown idly among the Marines. You were his most trusted officer.

Though he couldn't trust you completely. Not yet. Not until...

He thought of your hair, flying wildly as you cut down pirates by the dozen, blowing into your eyes as you turned to meet his gaze through the smoke and the chaos.

He'd been waiting for those eyes to meet his across the crowded ballroom. Waiting for the chance to finally ask you to dance. To claim you before all those fools who thought they were worthy of your time.

But you hadn't glanced his way. Not even once.

Akainu came to a halt outside the door to the balcony. Of course you were here. He stared at the door. These planks of wood were all that separated him from you.

His Captain. His partner.



Not yet.

He opened the door. And then stopped dead.

You were leaning on the rail. He recognized the woman who had served him faithfully for so many years, but his brain struggled to make it past the glowing slice of bare skin displayed by the outrageous cut of your dress. How was such a thing even allowed in Navy Headquarters?! Even as the thought ran through his mind, his eyes drank in as much as they could take.

The way the fabric of your dress hugged the curves usually kept hidden under a heavy marine coat. The dip of your shoulders as your head bowed low and you leaned over the balcony. The way the wind lifted a few strands of your hair in a way his fingers ached to do.

He hated what you did to him. Hated how you made him weak. Hated how you made him strong. Hated that he would take on all three Emperors at once if it meant you would turn that soft smile his way.


You lifted your head and turned. And Akainu knew a fresh hell as the flush on your cheeks matched the delectable hue on your lips.

All thought fled his mind. And then one rose clear and sharp.

He'd delayed long enough. Tonight. He would ask you tonight.

He took a breath. And then another for good measure.

"May I have a word?"


I would truly appreciate your thoughts on how I did <3 I feel I didn't quite get across how reserved I picture Akainu being. Sure he's got a temper, but (in my headcanon) that's the only emotion he feels he can be free with. 

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