Wattpad High: Behind The Lines - Kristen

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Here is a short introduction to my character Kristen. Just a basic back story before I write about Ginger & then about why they're not 'friends', the Evans family & about their loves oh yeah and just so you know. Ginger's bit and the loves have a high SPOILER ALERT! :D Unless you read Borderline Boys. Then it doesn't really.

Name: Kristen

Parents: Lacey & Jason Evans

Height: 5 ft 4 inches

 Weight: Average

The character of Kristen started out like the general emo/nerd/badass/not rich/not poor stereotype thing that all 'weird' girls on wattpad appear to be yes, including the big makeover bit. Then I thought maybe changing her to the British super rich/emo/nerd/badass brit chick that every British girl and guy alike appears to be in American culture. Just to clarify, we really aren't all like that. But then I decided to make her the character she is today. Which if you are confused is a mixture of both. Her basic back story is that her parents are kinda rich, her dad runs a Gym and her mum gets money every month from him because they're divorced. She lived in two high class London flats, one her mum's and the other her dad's. When she was 16 her dad got her a driving license despite it being illegal (the legal driving age over here in the UK is 17), then when she passed her test he got her a white BMW Convertible with red leather interior (my dream car). Her mum classes her as crazy to save her own mind because of Kristen's powers are unexplainable. Also Kristen gets kicked out of school for burning things down accidently when it gets ot that she burnt down her house when she was 6.

Is that enough? Next up Ginger's profile.

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