"Yes let's just get home" Connor said.

We had a 2 hour drive ahead of us. It was silent for 10 minutes until Connor started talking.

"Are you okay Y/n?" Connor asked putting his arm around me. I was in between Brad and Connor. James and Tris were in the front.

"Yeah" I sighed.

"Y/n I can tell you not okay" Connor said.

I stayed silent trying not to cry but failed as a tear rolled down my cheek.

"It's okay your safe with us" Brad said from beside me.

I just weakly smiled at him.

"Y/n when we get home you go to sleep and we will unpack your stuff" Connor said.

"No it's fine I can unpack my stuff" I replied.

"No you need sleep" James said from the front.

"I can sleep after." I replied.

"Y/n please let us help you. You have gone through a lot" Tris said.

"I'm fine" I said as a tear rolled down my cheek, I quickly wiped it away so no one would notice.

"Y/n, don't cry its okay we are not gonna let anything happen to you." Connor said.

"I'm not crying" I replied playing with the rings on my fingers.

"Y/n, it's gonna be okay. I promise it will get better." Brad said from beside me.

"That's what everyone says" I sighed not realising I said it out loud.

"What do you mean?" Brad asked.

"Everyone says it get's better but it doesn't. The pain is constantly here and it won't go away." I said starting to cry more.

"Aww Y/n, it will get better though" Tris said as he kept driving. 

I just stayed quiet the rest of the trip. 


We had just pulled up at their house. It took a little longer since there was lot's of traffic. 

"We are here" Connor smiled.

We then got out and Connor and Brad got my stuff.

"It's okay I can carry them" I said trying to get the bags.

"No we are carrying them no matter what you say" Connor said not letting me get the bags.

I then tried to get the bags off Brad but he wouldn't let me carry them either.

"Y/n we got them" Brad chuckled.

"If you say so" I chuckled back.

We then went inside, I looked around the place was beautiful.

"What do you think about the house?" James smiled.

"It's amazing" I said looking around.

"Not as amazing as you" Brad smiled. I tried to hide my blush but failed.

"Let's show you your room" Connor Chuckled knowing I was blushing.

We the entered the room the boys desired for me. To be honest I was expecting a random room with a bed in it but actually designed it and made it look good.

Y/n's bedroom the boys designed for her:

Y/n's bedroom the boys designed for her:

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"Do you like it?" Connor asked.

"I love it! You didn't have to do this I would of been happy with just a bed." I smiled.

"No you deserve this after all of the stuff that's happened" Connor said hugging me.

"Thank you. For everything I really appreciate it" I smiled at all the boys.

"Anything for you" Brad said hugging me.

"Enjoy it!" Tris said hugging me.

"You deserve this Y/n" James smiled hugging me.

"Thanks" I smiled. 

"Well we will start unpacking while you sleep, you can sleep in my room if you want" Connor smiled.

"No it's fine I want to unpack" I smiled.

"You can help but your not doing it on your own" Connor said seriously.

"Okay tough boy" I chuckled. And so did the rest of the boys.

We then all started unpacking. 

"Whats this?" Tris chuckled holding up  lingerie.

"Nothing" I said grabbing it out of his hands and putting in the cupboard with the rest of my clothes. "I'll unpack this one" I said embarrassed.

"Oooo Y/n be wearing sexy lingerie" Tris chuckled.

I rolled my eyes and finished unpacking.

We then all went to sleep in our own rooms. The rest of the day we just watched movies and slept.


"Well I'm going to bed" Connor said getting off the couch.

"Same" I said getting up.

"Yeah I am as well" Brad yawned

"Same" Tris and James said at the same time making everyone laugh.

I then walked upstairs.

"Good night Y/n" Brad said before I went in my room.

"Good night Brad" I smiled.

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