"So you don't know what the test entails?"

He looked at her with that smile of his. "Are you looking for insider information? Trying to cheat?"

She felt a laugh trying to escape her chest, but she kept it contained. Who knew how big his head would get if she actually laughed at something he said?

"No. Unless you count trying to rig it so I don't succeed."

He looked forward, his expression suddenly serious. "Don't worry about that. You'll fail the test, and then be back home as soon as the winter season comes." His voice had gone quiet, as if he was speaking to himself more than to her.

They approached her room before she could reply, but she would've forgotten the words anyway. Everything was off; a sudden shift in atmosphere. The doors to her room were flown open; an overflow of soldiers inside and out.

She felt her breath get caught in her throat. She unhooked herself from Theolon's arm and ran forward; lifting up her skirts as she went.

She nearly ran into the first guard in her path, but stopped herself just in time. They turned around, their eyes wide at seeing the princess.

"What's happened?" she asked, her voice higher than normal. "Is Jackson okay? Is Brand?"

"Everything's fine, princess. No one was hurt."

"Hurt? What do you mean, hurt?"

Just then Jackson popped through the crowd, as if dividing the water. His face was flushed. As soon as he saw Amelia, he sighed and rushed forward, taking her by her shoulders.

"Oh, princess. I'm so glad you're alright. We're lucky that you weren't here, and I'm sure glad that dinner ran a little late. Why, just imagine what could've happened..." he rambled on, his words spilling out like a broken faucet.

"Jackson. Calm down. What happened?"

"Princess, it's all a little confusing. I was guarding the door you see, so it must've been the window, and I mean, this is pretty high up, so who knows what tools they used —"

"Someone was in your room, princess. And they probably were here to assassinate you." Suddenly Brand was there, arms folded and a brooding expression. He was behind the rambling Jackson, who turned to his voice and let go of Amelia.

"Right, yes. That's the gist," he said.

Amelia had no words for Brand's revelation, but she didn't have to say anything. Theolon was there too, having come up with hurried steps. His eyes had gone wide, incisors flashing as his mouth opened to reveal his teeth.

"Someone tried to kill her? Did you catch them?" He moved so that his body was blocking Amelia's from the door, as if the threat was still imminent.

Jackson shook his head. "No. They came in sometime this afternoon while I was the only one here. You see, I came in not an hour ago when Brand showed up, and I noticed the sheets were not tucked the right way. You know how they tend to put the corners out sometimes? The maids here are rushing, I guess, and they forget, you know, that you're royalty and need certain standards —"

"Your sheets had poison on them," Brand cut in. "Not soaked, just enough to slowly bleed the life out of you as you slept."

Jackson swallowed, watching as his princess went pale with fear. "Right, yes. Just that, princess."

"Oh," was all she could muster to say. The dreams she'd had; the menacing figure, and suddenly her nightmares were real and she was feeling herself spiraling. She didn't realize she was falling until she was caught, Jackson having moved Theolon aside to catch her under her arms. She stood upright, suddenly feeling light in her head.

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