The First Chapter

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Ariana Martens was not amused. There was glue in her hair, her eyes shut together each time she blinked, and she smelled an awful lot like... was that fish? Of course those bloody boys had targeted the slytherin table- everyone in the Slytherin house knew they had an unfair hatred of the students there. She muttered a spell which cleared her eyes, then promptly left the great hall. Wild laughter echoed around the room as the Slytherin students trudged out, leaving trails like snail slime behind them.

"It's completely unfair Sev, I don't understand why they keep doing this!" The voice of Lily Evans rang clear and proud from the common room.
"Don't be daft, Lily. It's because they're insufferable know- it- all's." Snape drawled in reply. His voice made Ari feel gross. She'd heard some of the things spoken with that voice, and she knew she would never like the owner. But she didn't disagree there- they were pretty insufferable. And they did think they knew it all.

Ari hurried back to her dorm when she heard footsteps approaching. Sama swung her feet over the bed as Ariana threw the door open.
"Geez, where's the fire?"
"Insufferable know it all's!" Hannah emerged from the bathroom, drying her hair off with a towel.
"Insufferable what-a-what's?"
"Insufferable know it all's! I know how we can get the boys back for this."
"Can you hold that thought? I need to go shower.

When Sama came back, free from glue and in dry clothes, Ari laid out her plan. "I'm gonna need to check the library, but what if..." she paused for dramatic effect, "we make the boys say whatever they're thinking. Or just random facts. Really make them insufferable know it all's."
Hannah pulled her trunk out from under her bed.
"Ari, I think this might be your best idea yet," she presented a book entitled 'Advanced Spells for the Intelligent Sorcerer', "we can check this, and I'll help you out in the library- we can go now?"
"Absolutely! You coming, Sama?"
"Not in a million years!" Her tone was bright and sarcastic. "But I'll help you with the spell casting."

The girls found Edison in the library. They looked up from their book. "Oh, hullo,"
"Edison! Weren't you at dinner?"
"No- I wanted to read more about the effects of different spells on puffskeins. Why?"
"Those bloody marauders glue- bombed the Slytherin table,"
"Oh," Edison looked back down at their book, "glad I wasn't there."
"Actually, we were gonna get them back," Hannah joined the conversation, "wait! With your knowledge of spells, maybe you want to help?" Edison shut the book.
"Why not?"

Three days later, it was planned and ready. Despite her previous protests, Sama had actually hauled herself down to the library when she realised that while her genius dorm mates and Edison had found a spell for the marauders, they hadn't come up with a counter curse.
"Okay!" Hannah whispered, very excited, "If we get them just as they come out of the Gryffindor common room, they hopefully won't notice until it's too late, and then we can-" Sirius, Remus, James, and Peter left the common room and began heading down for breakfast. The four Slytherins drew their wands and murmured the incantation.
"Here's hoping that worked, Ari said.
"Let's go for breakfast and see." Sama grinned.

"Wormy, chuck me an orange?" Sirius called to his friend at the Gryffindor table. Peter picked up the fruit and threw it.

"Fun fact!" Peter began, "The first guy to survive going over niagra falls ended up dying by slipping on an orange peel!"

"Er, yeah, that was a fun fact Wormtail," James looked slightly taken aback.

"Sorry, I have no idea where that came from," the boy looked down and blushed.

"Fun fact!" Sirius looked slightly perturbed as he spoke, "when you blush, your stomach lining also turns red."

"It does?" Peter looked genuinely interested.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2021 ⏰

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