The Castle (Part 2)

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Two days ago, before the incident took place...

"Hi Cyan! How was your weekend?" Amila said with a big smile on her face. She is a good friend of mine; we have been friends since second grade.

"Hello their Amila! It's good to see you." I said with a big smile, it was a bright and sunny day, birds were chirping. Tannn, Tann, tun, "The bell rang, let's go to our class or we will be late." Amila said. On the second period when I looked outside, I saw that the rainy clouds had already took over the sky. "Arreh, the weather app didn't prepare me for this!" I said to myself frowning. It's not like I do not like clouds; it is just that I had to walk home soaking wet. "Yessss, I won't have to go to my practice!" Amila said cheerfully, why is she happy? At least she has something to do.  

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