Chapter 59: Rolling Stone Magazine

Start from the beginning

I rolled my eyes. "Dude c'mon man - you said that like an hour ago and we're still fucking here" I huffed.

"I know, I know. We just need a few more"

Me and Liv rolled our eyes. This dude had us in every pose you could think of. How many fucking pictures did he need!?

Liv grabbed my hands and placed them on her bump. I moved a little closer to her and kissed her cheek. We looked up at the camera ready to pose, but I felt a kick.

I gasped a little and my brows pinched together. Liv's head shot round. She looked up at me, her eyes were wide. She looked just as shocked and amazed as me. "Oh my God!" She gasped

"Did he just..."

Her eyes filled up a little with tears. "He kicked" she smiled

She stood to the side so she was in shot for the camera.  She knew how to work it. She placed my hands back on her bump. We were trying to feel around to see if he'd kick again.

"Maybe he's gone back to sleep" I tried to joke, but I was a little disappointed.

Liv shook her head. "No, I can feel him moving, he just isn't kicking. Hey, maybe you should try talking to him. I read about it, he can hear you" Liv shrugged.

I got down on one knee and Liv placed her hands over mine.

"Alright lil man. If you can hear me, you gotta do that again for me and your mommy, alright? Just let us know you can hear us." I whispered. I rubbed my thumb gently against her skin.

I waited a little but there was nothing.

I pulled my hands away and stood up looking a little disappointed. I let out a little sigh and looked down at Liv. "Maybe next ti-"

Liv's eyes widened again. She gasped and looked down. She instantly grabbed my hands and pressed them back against the spots I was rubbing.

I gotta tell you, there was nothing - no drug or amount of booze in the world that could top the feeling of my baby kicking. Something inside me changed within an instant.

The camera flash went off but, it felt like it was just the 3 of us. We completely forgot about everyone else in the room. It was just me, Liv and our baby. At last, I finally felt like I had my own little family.


Liv's POV:
"Hey guys! Thank you so much for meeting with me today! How did your shoot go? How are you guys feeling?" The reporter smiled.

"Tired" Nikki mumbled.

I giggled as I moved around in my chair. It was one of those stupidly uncomfortable chairs you get on a film set made out of wood and canvas. "It was amazing! We felt our baby kick for the first time but I have to agree with Nikki, we've been non stop, life has just been going at 100mph for us" I smiled.

"I can imagine. I mean, you both shot onto the music scene and people have gone absolutely crazy for you guys ever since. It seems like everyone either wants to be you or be with you! Liv, I know you've had some kind of experience with the media but Nikki, how are you finding things?"

"You can't really describe it, it all happened so fast and even though, like you say, Liv has some idea of what to expect with the media - I don't think either of us expected things to go the way they have but I'm not complaining! I could never have imagined living the life I do now, you know and I'm so grateful for it. It's all mansions, smokin' hot wives and Grammy awards" Nikki smirked as he looked over at me and squeezed my hand.

Dishing The Dirt: Nikki Sixx • Mötley Crüe •Where stories live. Discover now