⁠╣⁠𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 2 ╠⁠˙⁠❥⁠˙

Începe de la început

Composing herself she again winced in pain where vansh hold her tightly she got there little bruises . she was applying antiseptic but someone's presence made her heart go weak ..

Vansh's POV -

I was very sacred that I didn't found her in room but some sound of wincing came from bathroom . I walked towards to see her ...

I opened door without making noise and saw her applying antiseptic on her bruises which were given by me ..I felt very shameful of me for hurting her like this ..
Slowly walking towards her ..I took antiseptic from her hand and
Kissed near her bruise to ease her pain

I took antiseptic from her hand and Kissed near her bruise to ease her pain

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

And I started applying antiseptic on her wounds ..
She was shocked first but when our eyes met she melted...I felt as my World should stop at this moment ..this moment should never go ..he will be very happy to see in her beautiful ocean eyes which always had care , love for all but today they depicted her pain ..

I don't know what I thought and I told to her that she is orphan and doens't know meaning of family..but the one who doesn't has , can know the real value of it..he know how difficult is to stay away from parents... the pain of losing parents is known to him ..but she ..she hasn't got the their love form childhood itself..How difficult it would be for her ...

The sheer silence was between their eyelock ...but she breaked our eyelock deliberately moving her eyes to other side ..saying to me that she was angry from me .. and I laughed in my mind seeing her cute antics ..

Riddhima's Pov -

He came from behind and took antiseptic from my hand but his next move gave me gossebumps all over my body ...
He kissed me ...
This was our first kiss.. and I felt butterflies in my stomach .. and I started to melt for him ..

But I Suddendly remembered all his talks ..and the feeling that I felt now suddenly vanished ..

He finished applying..and tried to talk with me but I wasn't interested ..

Vansh - Riddhim..

He was to complete his sentence but she started walking out of bathroom .I followed her to out wanted to talk with her but she wasn't interested to listen me I held her hand ..
And pulled her towards me ..she collided with me ..I quickly held her waist and held her tightly that she will not able to move ..she was struggling to get out of my hold ...

Riddhima - Leave me ..

Vansh - Riddhima Just listen to me once ..I'm sorry .. sweetheart ..

Riddhima - for what ??

Vansh - For hurting you ..
For talking to you like this ..

Riddhima - that u Always do vansh I'm used to it now ...

Vansh -I'm really very sorry sweetheart..I should have not talked about u being an orphan..

Riddhima - I'm Vansh ..I'm orphan..I don't have anyone in this world and don't want to have anyone my future also ...

Again her eyes get filled with tears ...and she looks down not to show her tears to him ..

Vansh - No sweetheart ..this is your family ..u are my family ...why are u talking like this..

Riddhima - No vansh .. I don't have anyone_____

She was unable to complete... her tears get fall on vansh hand

Riddhima - Now please leave me alone ... saying so she removes his hand and walk out of room ...

Vansh feels her cold tears on his hand and his heart break into millions of pieces seeing her one tear ...

He bangs his hand to the wall in frustration .

Vansh - Not anymore..Not anymore ...
U will be Always happy from Today onwards..it's my promise.. jaan...


Precap - vansh and Riddhima's first date night ..and let's see how Vansh will Apologize to her ...

Hey guys tell me how was this part of love confession...

I hope u guys liked it ...
Thankyou so much for support for first part ...❤️❤️❤️❤️

Lots of love

And yes don't forget to vote and comment ...

*Pics used here belongs to respective owners..

Do avoid grammatical mistakes

And yes guys I will be updating intehaan book soon .. just give sometime to me

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