part 2

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Location:Seoul,South Korea
Time: 10:13PM
Taehyung is writing a Diary.
P.O.V : Taehyung

I am Kim Taehyung. Father of 2 children. Work in a company. This is so new for me. I have never written a Diary before but I want to write one today because today is a very special day. Today is the birthday of my Twin.
Yeah not our but my because My children don't have another parent he left us.
Today I am so happy  that my babies are 4 years old can't believe it became whole 4 years. They are so beautiful.  Both of my daughter and son is so cute . Diary do you know what ? Today my babies asked me about their Dad . I couldn't answer them. How I wish if I could change myself and became his type . He loves women a lot . How I wish I if i could change    change his taste . But Diary he promised me . He really did promise me that he will love me no matter what always.
Then why? Why he left us?
I still remember the day I first saw him in school he was quite introvert that time but I made him socialise with everyone.  How I wish if I didn't do that .


P.O.V :Taehyung

Uhh Teacher gave me this book to return the junior student and should work with that student.  His name is Jungkook Jeon. Although I never heard this type of name. Its so unique name and here it comes my name. My name is Kim Taehyung and Kim is so famous here almost half of our students have their Kim surname.
I was blubbering and finding that boy.
Here he goes I saw the class room no. Teacher said he will wait for me in the classroom . I started looking here and there and found a boy in the backbench who was eating something from the tiffin box. I got it its him since Teacher told me  I will find him in the back bench. I went there and called his name
Jungkook turned his face and looked at Taehyung
"I am Taehyung "
"We have a project together "
"Won't you let me sit here ?we have to discuss about this"
"Oh yeah sit here "
We talked about our project for half an hour . He was quite all the time.  It was me who decided everything here just said yes , no ,OK and  lil things like where to do the next project. We decided to do the project tomorrow at evening since that time both of us had time and we will do it in our house .

--------THIS IS THE FIRST TIMS WE SAW EACH OTHER------------------

Location: Taehyung's house
Time: Friday, at evening

After coming back from dance classes. I went to take shower and now I am arranging my study table for the project with Jungkook.  After that day we didn't talk with each other nor message each other. I know its just one day but though he is coming first time in our house he should talk about it with me strange he is so much introvert. Unlike me who loves talking with myself like a psycho . Saying that He started giggling. He completely his arranging and waited for Jungkook to come meanwhile he was scrolling through instagram.
Ding Dong ~
After hearing ths Bell rings Taehyung went to open the door and Welcomed Jungkook.
"Hi"Jk said
"Hello let me lead you to my room"
"Okay follow me"
They went to study together for the project .
While they were doing the project Jungkook only talked about work nothing else but being talkative Taehyung wanted to know about Jungkook more. Not because he was attracted to him but because its his nature. Then when the project came to an end Taehyung suddenly asked Jungkook
"Can I ask u something "
Jungkook hummed
"Why are you so quiet? "
"We just met why I have to become comfortable with you?"
"It's not like that it's just Teacher also told me about this "
" Oh so she spread facts about me? What did she say ?"
"No  not like that  she just said you are too quiet and so I shouldn't irritate you"
"You are already doing this you know "
"Uh so rood I just wanted to know you"
"What else do you want to know about  me? You already know my name and phone number "
"Umm something more and I don't have a quiet friend would you like to be one?"
"I will try but in one case "

"What? We barely know each other what do you need?"
To be continue.
And forgive me for mistakes.
Thank u for reading please vote.😘💞

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