"Hey Richy, do you want to go to the supermarket with me? I thought it would be nice if we went to get the items we need for tomorrow. If you're not busy I would love for you to accompany me."

"Sounds like a great idea. I'm down for it. Let's go."

"Give me a few minutes, let me grab my purse and change really quickly and I will be there. You can wait for me in the car."

I run upstairs and change into something cute but comfy and grab my purse from the nightstand. It felt so strange getting ready to go somewhere besides running around and trying to save someone. Sadly, it felt unfamiliar as if years had passed since the last time I actually did something for myself. I leave my house and run up to the car where Richy was waiting for me. I didn't even want to ask him where we were going, I just wanted to enjoy every second of it.

"So, how did you enjoy the movie?"

"It was hilarious, I loved it. Good choice. I never knew you had such a good taste in movies."

"I do enjoy other things besides cars, you know?"

"I hardly believe that hehe."

I was enjoying the ride so much that I kind of wish the supermarket was further away. We pull up to the market and we park. As we are heading into the store, I see a familiar face I wasn't expecting to ever see.

"Omg Richy, isn't that Michael?"

I couldn't even finish the sentence fast enough when this man I have only ever seen in pictures was staring right at me. I just continued on my way to the store when he approached me. I was so shocked that I felt my breath stop for a minute like I had forgotten to breathe. He didn't know who I was, I mean right? He couldn't have! I only ever heard of him and seen pictures of him online after the whole investigation during Hannah's disappearance. Why was he approaching me?

"Excuse me, do you happen to have a minute? You're Hannah's friend, correct?"

"Yes sir, I am. This is Richy, our friend."

"Hello Richy. I hope you're showing your friend around this beautiful town."

"So what can I do for you? I'm not really sure there is anything I can answer you, but I can try."

"Is it true that Hannah's kidnapper is behind bars? That guy Jake? Did they really catch him?"

"Jake is NOT her kidnapper!!! He had nothing to do with that. I can't believe these morons are making everyone in town see Jake as some kind of monster that he is not."

"I'm sorry, I just"... I cut him off before he can even finish.

"Look Mr.Hanson. I am very sorry but this conversation is over. I have nothing else to say to you. Jake isn't the monster everyone should be after, and if it's the last thing I ever do in my life, I will find the real psycho that's out there."

He leans over and whispers to me. What he says nearly knocks me off my feet. "Don't trust anybody. You should leave, just leave and get out of here as soon as you can." As he rushes off, I stand there shaking as if I had just seen a ghost. I couldn't even move a muscle. My body felt frozen in fear. It was him! The letter in my pocket, the man that followed me that day I met up with Phil... it was Michael. Richy quickly grabs me before I fall to the ground. The last thing I remember is seeing Richy's face looking at me in fear and I passed out.

"Hey are you okay? Please wake up. Omg, please wake up." I slowly hear Richy's voice calling out to me as he is tapping my face with his hand. I don't know how long it's been since I fainted, but I was surrounded by people all around me. As I open my eyes, I hear Richy sigh a quick breath of relief. "Oh thank God!!! You had me so worried. Please tell me you're feeling okay. The ambulance is on it's way. Stay with me."

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