chapter 2:What a Year Can do to a Person

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Chapter Two: What a Year Can Do to a Person.

I stroked the gold embroidery of my dress as my cousin brushed my hair into a beautiful and appropriate up do. I stared at my face in the mirror. It was apparent the purple under my eyes from sleepless nights and wrinkles circling my face from the frown lines. My laugh lines were almost gone. My blue eyes looked hard, cold, and icy; like they could freeze the hottest summer day. My white skin was almost pasty from how long I’ve stayed indoors engrossed in my studies, and wallowing in depression. I looked down at my wrists. I could see the veins under my skin, purple and blue spreading warm blood throughout my body. I sighed and started playing with the embroidery on my dress again. It was very beautiful. A deep red dress with a modern medieval twist, embroidered with beautiful sparkling gold thread. My sleeves were long but with slits from my shoulder to my elbow also embroidered with gold. The dress ran all the way down to my jeweled gold slippers. The skirt itself was a work of art especially when I moved. It made it look like I was floating and spinning at the same time, there was a twisting shape to the dress that hugged my body and had areas of gold flowing freely. It was frustrating how different the style in this small area was so different from the outside world. The dress looked like a cross between medevial and sci-fi. It looked nothing like the 21st century prom dresses I had seen in magazines.

This was the regular style of dress for a Princess of the court. I had to look my best when presenting my reports and when I told them I was leaving on my Trial. ‘I am the Princess’ I mumbled to myself trying to find the cold confidence I associated with my royal duties. As a Princess of the Healer Nation I was required to report to my Father and the council on any activity within the immediate areas of our capital. Not that my Father would let me go far from Sanare, especially since last year.

Sanare is our capital in North America. It means ‘to heal’ in Latin. That is what we do, we heal. Healers are a special race, we are meant to protect humans, and save them from themselves and other dark forces. Like the evil things that chase me constantly in my dreams.

I looked back up as Chiselle placed the pearl circulate into my gold blonde hair. ‘Why are we still wearing these clothes for court?’ I whined out load, Chiselle gave me a weak smile and continued to mess with my hair. I already knew the answer, ‘Tradition!’ Everything in the Healer Nation had to do with tradition. Especially now, since the attack last year every protocol has been followed precisely. I really just wanted to put on my sweats and forget the whole council, but I would be showing disrespect, which punishment could be worse than walking around in an outrageous dress.

“There! You are ready!” Chiselle said, taking a step back to admire the effect of my whole council gown and hair.

“Chiselle why did you come back from your Trial?” I asked standing up and turning towards her.

Her short carrot red hair fell into her light green eyes as she appraised me. She started straightening my dress and brushing it into place. “I came back because I knew where I belonged. It was fun and a wonderful experience, but I knew that I needed to be here and to help you.” She patted my cheek; Chiselle was the only friend who was not afraid of me and the only friend who can stand me. Since the attack I had grown cold and mean to everyone. It kept unwanted people away, except Chiselle she never took anything I said seriously, she has convinced herself that my sharp mean wit is my way of grieving. She is a couple of years older than me, and she was my mother’s niece. She is the one who encouraged me to go to the council to request my right at a Trial.

“What if they won’t accept my request?” I asked sounding like a 5 year old girl who wouldn’t get a cookie.

I couldn’t stop thinking of the Trial. A Trial starts when the healers turn 16; they are allowed to go out into the human world and experience what it is like to be among them. The healer going through the trial decides when the trial ends if it ever does. They can decide to give up their life as a healer and remain with the humans, but that was an impossible choice for me. I was the last heir. I had to come back. I was expected to be the next leader.

Chiselle stopped fixing my outfit and put both hands on my shoulders “Do not make it a request, make is a necessity. Besides you have already turned 16, they can’t stop you. You need to go out into the world and experience humanity… and learn to live, again.” She said the last part quietly as she turned away to grab my red robe off of my bed.

As the Princess to the crown I was expected to address the council and make my Trial known, before I left. If I didn’t I would be considered dishonored and possibly lose my title. I turned as Chiselle fastened the cloak on my shoulders.

“Besides it is for the best that you leave this behind for a little while. I don’t think I have ever seen anyone work so hard to hide every feeling and emotion they posses.” She looked me in the eye and I stared blankly at her. I knew what she wanted, but I wouldn’t give it to her. “Serenity, it is okay to talk about the attack you know.” I looked away not acknowledging what she said. “I hope you going on a trial will help you heal.” She whispered looking down at her hands and twiddling with her gold flower ring. I gave her that ring as a do not forget me gift when she left on her Trial. Looking at the ring made me more depressed, because it represented happy times that I had lost. She looked up and gave me a sad smile.

“Do not worry Sarah; you will do fine at the council. Just don’t show your father you are scared. He will never allow you to go if you show him fear.” She turned away and I took one more look in the mirror. The happy, smiling, warm, joking girl from a year ago was gone and was now replaced with this serious, hard, cold, mean, female who couldn’t remember the last time she smiled. I stood there trying to smile, it didn’t work. I couldn’t think of anything to be happy about, so no smile appeared on my face. I walked to the door and opened it nodding to Chiselle as I walked by. I moved down the cold marble hallways playing in my head. ‘I am the Princess, I am the Princess, I am the Princess,” until the cold confidence grew into my countenance. Now I was ready to face a council of old people and possibly the coldest person in the world, my father, the King of the Healers.


Hi again, Please let me know what you think, and if there is anything that should be changed. I would really appreciate input. Enjoy!

Thank you,


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