"Thank you!" I exclaim.

"Tell Chaewon's parents that I say hello please."

"For sure, talk to you later mom, I love you." I say before I end the call to stuff a few things in my backpack.

I run back downstairs as I hear my dad's voice yelling "Supper is ready" and make my plate. He does the same and we sit at the table to eat.

"How is Sebin doing?" my dad asks me. For a second, I must have had a puzzled expression since he continued, "Is everything alright Hyejoo?"

"Yeah, well I'm fine, but," I paused, contemplating whether I should tell him or nit, but I have always been incredibly open with him. "She broke up with me when we were out today, but I really am fine, I was expecting it."

"Are you sure you're fine? I remember the first time I got broken up with, I was distraught for weeks" he seemed to be very sincere, which isn't unexpected, but he had never opened up about his dating history before my mom.

"Yeah, I really am fine, I knew it was going to happen soon enough, it just happened to be today." I stated honestly, while quicky eating the last piece of seasoned chicken from my plate.

"I'll take care of supper, you go to Chaewon's house now, have fun" my dad says while he grabs both of our plates and brings them to the kitchen sink.

"Thank you, dad, I love you" I say while I dart up the stairs to grab my bag, before I hug him and rush out of the back door to hop onto my bike, but not before I untangle my earbuds and press play on my music.

I bike off our property while the start of 'Girls Like Us' by Twice flowed through the wires of my headphones. I continue down the streets, barely paying attention to where I'm going, my mind going on auto pilot to avoid the small puddles from the short rain. I've been down this route so many times to get to Chaewon's house. I know all the short cuts, where the roads get bumpy, and the places where kids are always playing outside on the front lawn.

By the time I arrived at Chaewon's house and brought my wrist up to knock on the door, the same knock that we made when we were in elementary school, for our pillow forts so our parents couldn't break into our masterpieces, she opened the door before I even got the chance. She pulled me into a tight hug and squealed "Hyejoo! I missed you"

"Whoa, Whoa, you saw me a few hours ago at school" I said as I brought myself out of the hug, not really being one for physical affection.

"Well yeah, but our last class together is fourth period." I looked at her, with an amused expression clad on my face without shame. "Okay, I didn't actually miss you that much, I may have been exaggerating." she said playfully.

"w-what, why would you lie to me?" I brought my hand to my chest and pretended to be hurt.

Chaewon hit me on the shoulder lightly and lowly said "dummy". We have always joked around with each other like this. Both of us being enrolled in theatre classes when we were mere toddlers has brought us to be an overly dramatic duo. Our teachers may not appreciate it when we have classes together, but it is a way to amuse ourselves. "Have you had supper?" she asked, to which I nodded my head.

We went to her room in the basement, and I threw myself in her desk chair. Her room was never fully clean, usually tidy, but it felt like a living space, not a showroom. I find when someone has a bit of clutter of a pile of clothes on the floor to make me feel more comforable.it reminds me that they are a real person, just like myself.

Sometimes when one of us is at a low point in our life and we can't find the energy to clean our rooms, the other will come over and help clean. Many people wouldn't do this, since it is showing a very venerable part of yourself, letting them see how messy your space has become, in your depressed state, but that may say how much Chaewon and I trust each other.

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