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~With Damian~

A video package was done as I was waiting to speak. I'm decent on the mic, I'll admit, but I can't talk to much because I'll ramble on and on and on like a little kid, but Evil Uno and Stu Grayson are still going on about how they should run the Dark Order.

And to get it out of the way, I don't want to be called the "New Exalted One" because that's the late Brodie Lee's title and I thought if I were to be called that, it would be very disrespectful to Brodie's wife and his family.

When the cameras started rolling, I was in a corner that had no lights on and the rest of the group were a few feet away from me, which was perfect. It was going to be great once it shows who the new leader of the Dark Order is.

I learned my old childhood friend Anna Jay was in the group, so I think it would be the best time to join.

When Evil Uno and the Dark Order start arguing again about who should be the leader of the Dark Order, it was perfect timing so I could intervene and stop it all.

Me: Enough!

Everyone had shut up as I started talking.

Me: I'd like to take a moment to introduce myself, but before I get into that, I want to address what's going on with the Dark Order. You might think this is some misunderstanding, but Evil Uno, you're just being an asshole to your peers and that's something I should not allow! What happened to the kindness that is needed, not just in wrestling, but in the world? Does hate have to be that freaking stupid?

I stood up and started walking towards them just the second as the crowd in LA started getting excited and AJ? She's going to be leaking tears when she sees this.

Me: Ever since Mr. Brodie Lee passed away, you idiots are becoming more of a comedy act than a group of people that kick ass and take names and I'm sick of it! No more jokes! No more games!

The dark part of the silhouette had shown my face and now the fans in my hometown are starting to cheer out loud and I know that Anna Jay is holding back her tears.

Me: From now on, I'm taking over, and if anyone says anything differently, they can see their way out.

I then realized something: I didn't introduce myself to the fans, so this I need to do before I forget.

Me: Oh, where are my manners! Beg your pardon, I am The Showman, Jon Warner, and I am the new leader for the Dark Order. And Evil Uno, if you try any more of your egotistical bullshit, I'll bust your head up so bad you won't be able to put on that mask when you wake up in the morning, do you understand me!

EU: Yes!

Me: Yes what?

EU: Yes sir!

Me: Good! Now, if you have any idea why I'm here, then don't try to guess because it's not only to be your new leader, it's to make the group it once was before Brodie Lee died. He made the Dark Order great, but now I see a bunch of Loony Toons crap that I don't want to watch to the point that I turn off my tv!

The crowd knew that I was calling out WWE with that line and I think that was the best one possible.

Me: If I see any of that, you're done! Any questions, ladies and gentlemen?

DO: No sir.

AJ: No sir.

Me: Alright. Now if there's nothing else, I'd like to go out to the ring and kick some worthless ass.

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