I wanna destroy Y/N by getting her prego but shes not getting the memo

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Anyways uwu uwu Pansy taught me how to spell cause we're both built different 👅

Mostly cause McGonagall said I couldn't enter the premises (omg that's such a big word 🥺) of the sorting hat without having the knowledge of spelling so Pansy taught me some last minute tricks 😈

I was standing in the back of the crowd behind everyone's big heads like Ugh smh why y'all heads so big I mean it probably can cum to use sometimes 🙄

Idk why Pansy says to spell cum like that I thought it was come but apparently not anyways moving on from my uneducated self, so quirky uwu uwu 🤪

I spotted Y/N in the front of the crowd with her beautiful 0'2 body and pushed the arsehole bitches out of the way because they were obvs tryna steal my wife like bruh smh 😬

Also please don't tell my mum I said bitch 🥺

This was after the ugly scarhead bitch rejected my beautiful hand btw

And after Dumbledaddy approached the stage and had a bejeweled microphone in his hands while he started singing fight song, major Y/N vibes 🦶

Did I not tell you guys that? 😀

Well shit I can't go back now.

Anyway teehee *giggles in sussy baka*

As I walked towards the love of my life she raised an eyebrow at me 😝

Omg she totally likes me uwu idc if she's a Potter uwu she was totally just checking me out I'm so excited to give her my cooties and have babies with her 😌

I needed to be a jerk, girls love jerks. After you be a jerk to them they let you destroy their pussy 🥺

That's if they're a sub if they're Dom they can totally hit it too 🛐

I get this info from my father who talks too loudly when drunk sometimes if ur asking btw.

"Just came to say that you'll regret not befriending me, as far as your personality goes, I think you'll be a Slytherin, the house I'll obviously be in, which is why you'll regret it because I'll have way more opportunities to ruin you," I said with my smeggsy voice 💃

Wait no fuck I meant to say "I'll have way more opportunities to ruin your pussy" like my father did to my mother the other day Ugh I'm so dumb 🥺

She scoffed. "What makes you think I'll be in the same house as you? I have self respect you know?"

Rude. Kinda a turn on.

"Ohhhhhh," I said like I was a werewolf. That was smeggsy of me, I should do that more often. 🥳

"Watch it, Potter. An eye for an eye. Two can play that game." She still seems to not like me cause she didn't get the memo that I wanted to rearrange her insides uwu but it's OK we have tension and she's my wife already so no one can have her 😩

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