Chpt 2: Why did they leave

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Wilbur POV:

I was coming back upstairs with his and my coffee I knew which was which because mine was black with a little milk and Quackitys was mostly milk then as I got to my door I heard crying?
I opened the door,

"Quackity what's wrong are you ok?"

Quackity looked like he just lost his whole world saw it burn even and said

"My Boyfriend's they b-broke up with me..."

At that moment he burst into tears he didnt look like the confident man he now was he looked like a scared venerable duckling.

"Look Q its gonna be ok if you wanna tell me why did they break up with you"

"They said they didnt love me anymore that I didnt fit with them anymore..."

Quackity look so sad, I didnt want to see the man I loved since grade 9 look so Shattered.

"Quackity its gonna be ok you can stay with me for as long as you need.."

"Thank you Wilbur..."

Quackity looked so sad broken even and it sucked then I realized, I still love him I never stopped.

Quackity POV:

I hugged Wilbur while I was still sobbing I felt like my eyes were gonna pop out. I felt so unloved...

"Hey Wilbur..?"

"Yes Quackity?"

"I know this is gonna sound super weird and you dont have to say yes but I feel really shitty right now so... can I sleep in here...?"

I didnt want to seem weird but I also didnt want to be Alone.

"Sure Quack I'm gonna take a Shower you cam change if you want I know you cant sleep in jeans."

I really didnt expect him to say yes, but alas I really couldn't sleep in fucking jeans so while he was in the shower I got one of his Yellow hoodies and a pair of his boxers and slipped in his bed.

(Ima eat and do this later 326 words)

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