"Do you need the healer now?"

"No," he gratefully gulped down more water. "I'll wait until they check in."

Draco rubbed at his chest and gingerly flexed his legs. Some achiness persisted and he'd probably need Pain Potions for the next week or so. It would unfortunately mean a brief moratorium on some more vigorous activities he'd planned to engage in with Granger.

If she let him live.

He found a Galleon next to his wand on the side table. The last message that had come through read: "I'll bloody find you myself, you better hope I do."

He wondered how many frantic ones had preceded it. He wondered how she felt about the final one he'd sent.

The doors suddenly flew open as Blaise barged into the ward. His furious eyes zeroed in on Theo. It appeared Draco would have some company beyond the veil.

"Do you know where I've been?" Blaise asked in a thundering voice.

Theo jerked his head in the direction of Draco and Narcissa, possibly hoping an audience might save him a bit of trouble.

"Oh, uh, hello Mrs. Malfoy. Draco, you're awake, brilliant, glad to see it."

"Don't stop on our account," said Draco.

"Ahem, right." Blaise turned back to his partner. "Do you know why Draco's mother was allowed to be here when he woke?"

"Would it be because Draco was a very good boy and had his emergency contact paperwork properly filled out with St. Mungo's?"

"Correct darling, and would you like to know where I've been for the past several hours upon discharge from my own care?"

"I'm going to guess it wasn't arranging my welcome home party."

Blaise ran an exasperated hand down his own face.

"No, it was spent frantically trying to find you and only by having Potter get Sterling for me did I discover there's an option to recognize same-sex partners on the level of spouses or blood relatives for visitation and contact purposes."

"I believe Sterling is actually responsible for that particular law."

Draco muffled his own laughter at poor Blaise's expense.

"No more secrets," begged his friend. "No more of you doubting that I'll stick around. That's why you didn't bother with the paperwork, isn't it?"

"Blaise, no I swear, just me avoiding a simple task per usual, I'm so sorry, I—"

But Blaise did not want to hear any apologies.

"No, you listen to me for once, Theo. We are getting married and I'll take your name or you can take mine, I could give a fuck, but I am going to introduce you as my husband and—"


Theo's one-word interruption stopped the rest of the tirade. Blaise blinked a few times, anger put on pause as it had to contend with the life-altering agreement that Theo had casually uttered as if he'd been asked about another cup of tea.


"Presuming Granger and Sterling put up a good defence, I'll be a free man and we can have a proper wedding."

Blaise covered his face with his hands and his shoulders shook as he choked on a sobbing laugh.

"And in a few years we'll find a surrogate and make a little family," Theo added.

Blaise laughed again and wiped his eyes dry.

"Do you think if I asked Ginny Potter she'd agree? Those Weasley genes seem quite prone to fertility," Theo continued as if making a list for things he needed from the shop.

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