Chapter 1

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"Darling, please. This is important for our family," my mother tells me, following me into my room. I roll my eyes and huff as I sit down at the desk in my room.

"Mum, I wasn't even home while they were filming. I'm sure Netflix isn't going to miss me at a party for a show I wasn't even in," I groaned, still trying to get out of this situation. I open my Macbook to start some of my assignments. 

"Genevieve, that's not the point. Christian has not asked anything from you ever," she says in a calm, assertive voice, "I am asking you."

I put my hands up in surrender, "Ok, fine, whatever. I'll go."

My mother smiles triumphantly, "Excellent! Olivia, Blue, and I are going shopping for our dresses Thursday if you'd like to join." I nod my head slightly to let her know I would go with her and the girls.

This party my mother got me to agree to attend is for a show that Netflix is making about Formula 1 that revolves around drivers and their teams. My stepfather is the team principle for Red Bull and has been talking about all the exposure that this will bring for them. He's been married to my mom for about 5 years now. He brought along his daughter, Olivia, who's 7 now. Mum and Christian also had Monty two years ago. Bluebell is my 13 year old sister.

I'm Genevieve. My mother was a Spice Girl and had an on-again-off-again relationship with my father up until they had Bluebell. She grew tired of waiting for him to finish whatever new project he was working on to pay attention to his kid. I'm now 20 years old, and haven't seen my father in 10 years. Since I was mostly grown by the time Christian came around, I found it hard to be apart of this little family my mum had magically formed. Christian's nice and he makes my mom happy, but it still feels like someone else's family. I try to steer clear of my mum and his careers to the best of my ability. Thankfully, I'm in London now for university so I only have to be around for holidays.


"Could you at least smile a little, darling?" My mother asks, pushing a hair out of my face before turning back to a flashing camera and giving them a smile. I push my face up into a forced smile. She nods back in approval before wrapping her arm around Christian, who had Monty in his arms.

Olivia mostly hid herself between Mum and Christian, while Bluebell stood in front of me. We shuffled our way down the red and white carpet heading into the grand ballroom of the Savoy London. The camera flashes constantly remind me why I avoid any events my mother invites me to.

People immediately begin stopping Christian as we make our way through the ballroom towards our table. I sigh heavily, realizing I won't know anyone besides my family at this party. After what seemed like ten interruptions, Christian finally sits down at a table towards the front, before shifting Monty to my mum's lap. Olivia and Bluebell sit down and start playing a game on Blue's phone.

"I'm going to head to the bar, would you like anything, Geraldine? Genevieve?" Christian asks pointedly. Mum shook her head and grabbed the water glass already sat on the table while I nodded before saying, "Actually, I'll join you."

My stepfather appears a little shocked at this but nodded anyway and led the way to one of the bars. He shook a few people's hands on the way, but thankfully didn't stop. As we stood in line, he clapped the back of the man in front of us.

"Pierre, çe va?" He smiled. The tall man in front of us, along with the beautiful girl next to him turned around.

"Christian! Bien. How are you? Who is this?" He smiles towards me. The girl places her hand on his arm before smiling at us.

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