✿Chapter 35: The Rooster✿

Start from the beginning

Angry, who was looking up at the box, crossed her arm, "It doesn't look like a rooster." Varian sent her a glare.

"Uh, it's an early warning system," Varian said, sass dripping from his voice, "If Cassandra or any other danger threatens the kingdom, this will fire a glowing mortar into the air and alert everyone in Corona."

Rapunzel turned to the boy, "Great idea. Right, Eugene? Eugene?" You all turned around to see Eugene staring down at that piece of paper.

"Sorry, it's just cheekbones like these, they just don't come around twice in a generation, they don't!" The man said as you rested your hands on your hips.

Rapunzel walked up to him before pushing the paper away from his face, "Eugene, this is more important than some fake Flynn Rider."

"Rapunzel, he stole the crown. I mean, only I could get away with that. Look, Flynn Rider has a reputation. I refuse to have it tarnished by some hack imposter." The man looked up at Rapunzel, "I am going after him!"

The blonde woman smirked at him, "Well, then I'm going with you!"

"Uh, uh, hate to nag, but who's gonna oversee the rooster's installation?" The boy crossed his arms, "All military-grade applications require supervision by the captain himself." He glanced over, seeing Lance trying to touch the machine, "AH! Don't touch that!"

Eugene nodded, "Lance, you're acting captain of the guard until I get back."

"Sweet! A promotion!" Lance exclaimed.

Rapunzel shook her head before walking away being followed by Maximus, "It's temporary!" She followed Eugene out of the palace square.

"Sweet! A temporary promotion!" Lance edited his statement.

Varian sent you a pleading look.

You let out a sigh, "Yeah, there is no way I am leaving you four here alone." The boy let out a relieved breath.


You and Varian made your way up the stairs, the boy took a bite of an apple in his hand before speaking, "So... before we install the internal chamber--" The boy was interrupted by Lance.

"No need to consult the schematics. It's already been assembled!" Lance ushered the two of you through the doorway, "And we improved on your design."

Your's and Varian's jaws dropped, seeing the machine had been twisted and turned so it looked like a rooster.

"Now it actually looks like a rooster! You're welcome!" The man said, his hands on his hips as he puffed out his chest proudly.

Varian facepalmed. You shook your head before hearing a loud creaking noise. You glanced up, spotting the head of the rooster falling off. You heard it crash as it fell down multiple stories.

You and Varian shared a look before making your way towards the machine, "I guess we have some work cut out for us." You said. Varian nodded, cracking his knuckles.

The five of you spent hours taking apart and rebuilding the machine. By the time you were finished, it was night. You sat down on the roof, looking up at the stars. Varian took a small sample of the chemical solution and put one drop into the machine.

Lance looked down disapprovingly, "Hmm. I don't think that's enough." Varian lifted up his goggles, setting down the dropper.

"Okay." He spoke, his voice dripping with sass, "With all due respect, I'm the alchemist. Flynolium is very powerful. Add too much of it and this thing will shoot so far, we'll end up warning another kingdom." You covered your mouth, chuckling, "OH! I forgot the fuses. (Y/N) can you come with me?" He asked, you nodded standing up and following after him, "Lance, keep an eye on the stuff and do not touch anything." The two of you then climbed up the ladder and then made your way through the doorway, Varian held his hand out to help you down. The two of you then made your way down the stairs. Once you got to the palace square you grabbed two boxes that had the fuses in them and made your way back towards the roof.

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