Meet The MQ Sisters

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Farbanti was in shambles as the LSWM hit the command post and destroyed it along with many others including the soldiers, the shockwave was massive that the buildings were evaporated, and Enterprise was already gone at the scene but someone watch the whole incident, a surveillance drone that was watching the whole incident was still flying in circles.

Ryuu's P.O.V

Hello, my name is Ryuu my life is just any other person's life until one day I was about to go to bed and I smell this from what I assume was a burnt electronic then all of a sudden my body feels numb and unresponding I was in a total panic because what if someone wants to kidnap me? my heart was pounding really fast that I can actually hear it, my vision was getting fuzzy and my eyelids are getting heavier then soon my vision went black.

After a while, in the darkness, I feel myself start to wake up but the first thing I saw in my vision was MQ-99 Online ready to be launch and the weirdest part is that my vision has a HUD it's like I'm in an FPS game or something, in the HUD I can see my name and everything

Drone: MQ-99

Mental Model name: Ryuu

Missile: full

Damages: none

Open the container: yes or no?

I got confused by that so I speak yes, suddenly a sudden shake makes me panic I can feel I'm being lifted up and I can see the light start to grow more bright but the brightness didn't affect my eyes, usually, human eyes cannot take the brightness if they have been in the darkness for too long but this one is different, finally, I can see the full view, what shocked me was there are many containers around me and a crane for lifting containers but most shocking part was because of my appearance!

I got confused by that so I speak yes, suddenly a sudden shake makes me panic I can feel I'm being lifted up and I can see the light start to grow more bright but the brightness didn't affect my eyes, usually, human eyes cannot take the brightness...

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I looked at myself at the mirror nearby, my body is full of metal there is not a single human flesh inside me just pure metal but my ass though... jeez they feel good- Anyways! I have this thing on my back and I assume this is the drone that my HUD was talking about, the MQ-99, and the Mental Model is me, this is very uncanny, and why did end up in this mess. My thoughts were then interrupted by a voice 

Worker: over here, one of the drones suddenly activated itself 

Worker#2: ah, don't get concerned something must have a malfunction you know or someone mistakenly open the container, mistakes happened you know?

Upon hearing those voices my body went into a panic mode I need to escape this or even hide, so I start to look around and saw this thing in front of me I don't know if this is useful or not but there is a launch button it said so I press it and suddenly the MQ-99 on the back of me suddenly turn on its engine but I don't know how to fly!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2021 ⏰

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