
Start from the beginning

John B lowered his head so that it rested upon her stomach while he hooked his fingers loosely with hers. His blurred vision was trained on the monitor, which was burdened with sickening flatlines. He finally let them fall to a close, forcing a tear to trickle from his cheek and onto Affinity's skin, then rolling down to seep into the wood.

I love you too.

Then something happened. Something unexpected. Something unbelievable.

The thin, green line peaked upwards, with a subtle beep sounding with it. John B couldn't tell if he was just imagining this or if this was actually happening. His question was answered when a second peak formed. Then a third and fourth. He smiled in disbelief and what felt like the first breath since this morning filled his chest. Affinity was past her breaking point and her body was weak beyond all measures, but she didn't give up. It was in her blood.

Her finger twitched and tightened around John B's. His thumb moved to press onto her wrist, where her pulse was located. A faint thump pressed back. The tears were now of joy.

"Doc! Hey, Doc! Come here!"

Doctor Nygard hurried out from the room he sulked in and placed two fingers below her jaw. He, too, felt that thump.

"Well, I'll be damned," he scoffed to himself. "There she is." He patted John B on the shoulder. "She just needs some rest and she'll come around."

John B exhaled and sat back down, his hand still laced with Affinity's. And now fully understood. He was never going to hurt her again.



Wake up.

Pulling her closer.

Wake up.

And closer.

You can't let go.

Death approaching.


Almost within reach.

Wake up.

Affinity's brows furrowed, her eyes squinting hard at the glaring light overhead. She turned her face away, lifting one hand to cover her face. She groaned quietly and took in a breath, which was quickly met with a stabbing pain just next to her right hip and within her sensitive ribs. The girl hissed, her hand grabbing at it just as her reflexes commanded her to do. Once her palm found a firm place on the table she had been lying on, Affinity was able to push herself to an upright position.

Everything ached and every single one of her nerves was telling her to stop and allow herself to heal, but the clock told her that she had a different agenda to attend to. There was no way she was going to take a bullet from the same man who nearly killed her father and allow him to regain any advantage that they might have acquired. And she wasn't going to let some strangers have that satisfaction either. Not after everything they've been through.

Her hand reached to grab the bag of IV fluids she was hooked up to and swung her legs over the edge of the table. Very gingerly, Affinity let her toes touch the ground, and then her feet until she was fully stable. Her first step was wobbly but the second allowed her to cover some distance. Affinity's head screamed and her vision still wasn't all that clear, yet she trudged on. She followed the sounds of voices and when her hands came in contact with the door that pushed inward, she fell into John B's arms.

"Holy shit, lil lady!" The doctor exclaimed. "What the hell do you think you're doing?"

"How long was I out?" Affinity breathed.

𝐖𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐈𝐓 𝐓𝐀𝐊𝐄𝐒 𝐓𝐎 𝐁𝐄 𝐀 𝐏𝐎𝐆𝐔𝐄 // 𝘫𝘰𝘩𝘯 𝘣Where stories live. Discover now