Chapter 17 - 'Borrow Mine'

Start from the beginning

When I reach the courts I see the boys have divided themselves into two teams. Shirts and no shirts.

Alex and Blake and some guy I can't remember the name of from class with shirts and Hunter and Mikey without.

"Harry!" Hunter says when I sit down on the bench next to the courts

"Hey Hunt"

"Wanna join?"

"Nah I'll just read and enjoy the company"

"Suit yourself couzzie" Hunter says and turns back to the rest of them.

I'm reading a book called 'faceless' about a girl who had a face transplant because of a terrible accident. About to start chapter 28 when someone sat next to me.

I turn to see a sweaty Mikey running his hand through his hair.
"What's up nerd" he says

"Ew Mikey please go take a shower"

"What? Am I too gross for your royally famous ass?" He says

"Yes it's disgusting you stink" I say shifting slightly on the chair so I'm not so close to him

"Okay fine, one more game though" and with that he gets up and turns to face me walking backwards with his two middle fingers directed at me.
Mikey looked extremely attractive with his wet tanned skin glistening in the golden afternoon light. If only he wasn't sweaty I think to myself snapping me back to my senses.

"Victor pass over here!" I hear Hunter yell

So I guess this kids name is Victor and he seems to be getting along very well with our friends. Ok hi Victor, welcome to our weird friendship group I guess.

"I'll join in , your teams aren't matched in numbers and my little brother here doesn't look like he'd join in" I see Jace run from behind me , pull off his T shirt and run over to where the boys are.

"Fuck yeah!" Hunter yells

Obviously I want to see my brother dominate the game but I needed to go to the bathroom so I headed up to the toilet block.
After doing my business I head out to which I can hear people behind the building. It sounded like muffled moans so my usual sticky nose self popped my head around the corner. I fucking wish I didn't.
I looked down to see there, one of the people I looked up to the most, the one who I might have started to have feelings for, tongue deep making out with none other than my ex boyfriend Marco.
Fucking Nick and Marco.

I swung myself around the corner back to where I was so quickly. I stayed quiet , the didn't seem to notice I was there. I fast walked back to where the boys were. I don't know whether to cry or be angry.
Nick knows how hurt I was after Marco. Nick used to sit there with me telling me how much of a shit person Marco is and he even used to tell me how much he hated him. The one person I trusted more in this world has just hooked up with my ex boyfriend who I'm on bad terms.
Wait does that mean Rico isn't dating him anymore?

I pull out my phone to check Rico's Instagram, yep all the photos he had of him and Marco aren't there anymore and Marco isn't in his bio.

"You look like you've seen a ghost" Jace says walking up to me when I finally reach the courts. Great now he's sweaty too.

"No I uh-" I couldn't find the right words. I knew if I told Jace he'd end up going and fighting Nick right then and there. Can't tell him , he's too overprotective and he likes Nick so that would crush him.
I needed to talk about this with someone.
Can't talk about this with Cole either. I didn't want Cole to have that satisfaction of him knowing Nick did that.

"Anyways I'm going to go back to the game..." Jace says. Now that I'm snapped back to reality I turn to see many girls who are now sitting watching the game. Well, they were all looking at my direction so I'm assuming they only came because Jace didn't have a top on. Who could blame them anyway, my brother works hard for the body he has.
He gets up to train at like 6 in the morning every day and our pantry is full of pre workout and protein powder.

"Go win" I tell Jace and he turns away and jogs over to Hunter.

He smelt worse than Mikey with the sweat but I couldn't tell him that because I know for a fact he would've given me the biggest hug to make sure I died in the smell of his body odour.

When I get back to my tent I find a passed out Cole sleeping in his sleeping bag. He looked so cute , only his face was popping out of it.
I decided to sit there next to him and continue my book until it was around 7.

I went to wake Cole up for dinner.
I tapped his should repeatedly and I received a "fuck off" with a groan to follow.

"Dinner time" I say

It's like a trigger word because his eyes flew open and he quickly hopped out of his sleeping bag.

Cole followed me to the table that I sat on for lunch and he sat next to me. I felt someone else sit next to me and when i looked it was Mikey

"Hey bestie" he says cheerfully
"Look I showered just like you said, I hope I don't smell like shit anymore"
I chuckle and Hunter, Blake and Alex sit down across from us.

"Aww has Cole gotten over his sookie sook?" Blake teases

"Fuck off" Cole says while typing something on his phone

"Harry I need to talk to you , about something I saw" Mikey says softly to me so no one else hears.

"What" I whisper back "my best friend and my ex mouth fucking each other?" I reply to Mikey.

"Ew I saw that too, but there's something else I need to talk to you about, it's probably just as or more concerning" he says.

"After dinner" I say to Mikey

"Okay , we'll need to walk somewhere so no one overheard, I hate rumours and I'd hate for this one to spread out of context" Mikey says looking slightly worried

What could be worse than Nick and Marco ? I guess we'll find out soon

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