hidden plans and change

Start from the beginning

Remus looked back as he heard their footsteps pause, and then a tiny double take when he saw Leo and Ella Mae right next to each other, their brows in the exact same furrowed position. The two of them seemed to be getting that same, odd feeling as Lupin at the same time.

Did they know each other somehow?

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING UP THERE?!" Sirius shouted from the bottom of the stairs, breaking the spell. "COME ON! WE CAN DEAL WITH THE WHOLE MYSTERY SISTER SITUATION LATER!"

Black was desperately trying to get Riddle's words out of his head. He put every single ounce of his fury and anger into these spells rippling the air around Potter Manor, the work that four of his friends were doing totaling up to his alone.

You want me to be soft and vulnerable and hurt just so you can do whatever you'd like.

Is your memory as lacking as your intelligence? I did.

Sirius wasn't stupid, but he wished it wasn't true. He knew firsthand that kind of feeling boys got when they saw Anneliese. And apparently, it was getting less and less common for anyone to resist their stupid urges and just leave her and her body the fuck alone.

A few floors up, Euphemia was thinking the same thing.

Leave her alone.

She had grabbed a pair of scissors from James's desk and was cutting off the right side of Anneliese's shirt, the part soaked in blood. The fabric hung limply off her skin, slowly peeling away until her wound from both Bellatrix and Nagini was visible.

Well, visible except for the blood caked all around her forearm. Euphemia's face barely remained straight as she magically wiped as much of it away as she could before getting the rest with a towel she had summoned.

Healing without assistance wasn't easy, but it was doable.

Anneliese's back was slumped against the enormous amount of pillows on James's bed as Euphemia stood by the side, slowly but surely getting to the base of the wound as the usually white towel grew darker and darker.

The sobs wracking through her body were uncontrollable, making her shake and the bandages Mia was wrapping around her forearm harder and harder to apply. Euphemia's eyes repeatedly move away from her arm and down to Anneliese's thighs.

She knew that the last thing Callaway wanted was someone touching her right now, but the girl was just too exhausted to resist anymore.

"I know you don't want this," Euphemia whispered, her heart breaking for Anneliese. "But I'm going to have to look at your legs and under your skirt. You could have been seriously injured, and a lot of permanent, irreversible harm can be done down there very easily."

Anneliese just cried harder.

"I don't know what else we can do," Remus muttered, lowering his wand back down to his side as he looked out the window into the dark grey sky. "That's all of the enchantments I can think of. We're as protected as we're going to get."

"You could have told us you were going," Dorcas snapped as they all headed back into the living room, sitting down on the floor, couches, and chairs quietly. "We could have helped. I thought that we did things together."

"We do," Lily said softly. "But if we came down, one of the parents would have tried to stop us. It wasn't personal."

"Please, someone remind me why you are here," Leo snapped, turning furiously to Evans. "You have the most conditional friendship with Anneliese out of anyone in this room. You're a jealous asshole who just-"

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