"I do," he said. "It is to announce my engagement to Miss Wilson. It will not be a very long engagement and soon you three will come live with me."

     "I am happy to get out of that house," Lauren said.

     "I know, sweetheart," Philip said.

     He kissed them farewell. Maxwell brought the carriage around. Philip got in and went his way to the Wilson home.

     Jane looked at herself in the mirror. Even thought she knew that she wouldn't turn a man's head, she believed in looking her best. She wore a yellow full length dress. She wore matching slippers on her feet. Her hair was swept up in a french braid with ringlets framing her face. She put a little rouge on her cheeks.

     Caroline came up next to her. She checked herself in the mirror. Satisfied that she looked pretty, she stepped back. She looked at her sister.

     "You look pretty tonight," she said.

     Jane blushed. "You think so?" she said.

     Caroline nodded. "I don't know why you did not have many suitors," she said. "You are a wonderful person. You are kind to others."

     Jane felt flattered by her compliments. Most men didn't give her a second glance after seeing her sister. "Thank you," she said. "But most men do not prefer a plump wife."

     Caroline kissed her cheek. "No matter what people say," she said, "you are beautiful to me."

     Jane kissed her back. "You are a good person," she said. "I am lucky to have you as a sister."

     "Of course," Caroline teased.

     Jane swatted at her playfully as Caroline walked away. All the guests were downstairs and only Mr. Treyane was left to arrive. Jane walked down the stairwell while scanning the crowd. She spotted her best friend, Melissa, with her fiancee, Michael. Jane went over to them.

     "Jane," Melissa said, giving her a hug. "How are you?"

     "I am well," Jane said.

     "Hello, Jane," Michael said.

     "Hello," she said. "I am glad you can make it."

     "I cannot believe Caroline is going to marry Mr. Treyane," Melissa said. "I always thought she was going to marry Mr. Owen."

     Jane looked at her in surprise. "Am I the only one who did not know about Caroline and Mr. Owen?" she asked. "Caroline only told me last week."

     "It seemed obvious to me," Melissa said, shrugging.

     "I have a confession," Jane said. "But you cannot tell anyone."

     "What is it?" Melissa asked.

     "Caroline refused to marry Mr. Treyane," Jane said. "I will be taking her place. But no one is to know. I am sure I will be found out after the wedding. Or when Mr. Treyane lifts the veil. You know how important to Papa not to break his word."

     Melissa looked at her in shock. Jane shifted her body in discomfort. She gelt guilty about betraying everyone, but she wanted her younger sister to be happy. Even if she could not. Melissa put her hand on Jane's shoulder. She knew how important family was to her and that she would do anything to secure their happiness. Nothing Melissa would say could change her mind.

     "I hope you know what you are doing," she said.

     Me, too, Jane thought. She forced a smile.

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