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Another boring ass lecture from my math teacher was all that most students could hear in the early afternoon of September 9th 1996. His name is Mr. Patterson, he's been teaching math at my high school since 1983, when I was 13.

« [Y/N] are you listening? » I looked in the direction Mr. Patterson spoke from,
« Or are you too busy admiring the sports team practice? » he seemed mad at me.. when did the sports team even get outside? Last I noticed there was no one there.

« Sorry sir it won't happen again.. » I answered quietly trying not to attract too much unwanted attention from my fellow classmates.

Mr. Patterson kept staring at me while he finished his lecture and let us off to eat lunch. While walking to the cafeteria I bumped into an old friend of mine Jessica Day. She was in my history class during 9th and 10th grade so we sorta became friends. We almost stopped talking after we both got into 12th grade and had to focus on more important things like our education and our future.

But we still occasionally talk while walking to our classes or during lunch. Today's interaction was short, just a simple "Hello! Hey! How've you been? Good, you? I've been doing great!" You know? The typical shit. But while we talked for the 30 seconds she stopped speed walking down the hall, she seemed put off, bothered maybe? Was there an exam coming up that she's nervous for?

« Uh.. you okay there Jess? » I asked tapping her shoulder a bit because she seemed slightly zoned out.

« Y-yeah, yeah I'm fine.. » she replied, her head turned quickly to look back at me as she snapped back to reality and started fumbling with her hands.

« Is there something going on today or something? You seem nervous. » I took her hands in mine with worry, after all despite us not talking as much as we used to we still consider each other close friends.

« Yeah it's just Shaun wanted to meet me later today.. » her face turned a slight shade of pink and she darted her eyes away ever so slightly.

« You mean that guy in your geography class that you think is cute? Girl honestly, you're very pretty pretty but don't try and settle on some random guy cause you think he's cute .. » I told her. Jessica pretty much looked like your average popular girl in every movie, long blond hair, pretty ocean blue eyes, not to mention she was smart, uh, school wise, when it came to boys she mostly just tried to look for one that was cute.

« Oh also I wanted to ask.. are you going to Markus's party tonight? » she looked at me with a hopeful look.

« I wasn't planning on it but I guess I will, I mean I have no plans tonight » I replied with a shrug.

Later that day, I was stuck sitting at my bed trying to think of something nice to wear. Maybe a dress? No, that would be too fancy. But if I wear something too casual I'll look boring and lazy, at least that's what other people say.

I sighed and walked over to my wardrobe opening the doors looking around for something to wear. I ended up just grabbing a pleated skirt and AC/DC t-shirt. I bent over and grabbed some red converse and fishnets. I walked over to my mirror and said,

« Good enough » I grabbed my black purse and walked out of my room. I was so glad my parents weren't going to be home for the next two days.

By the time I got there I saw at least three guys outside smoking, one of them already high as fuck. I tried not to make eye contact but one of them kept looking at me, not creepily just, weirdly.

When I walking into the living room I recognized a few faces, Jess was the one I recognized the quickest despite her literally sharing spit with some random dude. I didn't even notice my classmate Tony walked up to me.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2021 ⏰

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