The first time I seen him... or them?

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Hi. My name is Blade. My friends call me angel. I am 17 and I am a junior in high school. So let me tell you some stuff about me. I am 5'6, I have black hair and I have brown eyes, but they change color depending on my mood. I have that bad girl look but totally different when you get to know me, says every girl. In school I am not the person to mess with. I am an Alpha born. Ya I know, you are probably asking why an Alpha born is in school. Well I am only a junior. The teachers are all wolves. Although half the school is wolf. The next question you are probably going to ask is you are a female, so how could you be an Alpha. Well you see I am my dad's first born. I do have an older brother and a younger sister, but they are majority angel. And my brother isn't my dad's biological son nor is he werewolf. Yes I am a hybrid. I am an Alpha and an angel. My mom is an angel and my dad is werewolf. My mom was my dad's mate. But when my little sister was born they got in a major argument so he rejected her. The weird thing is is that they didn't complete the mating process when she had my sister and me. Something about as soon as an angle meets their mate and their first time they touch it awakens a baby most angles have up to 3 to 4 children. Its complicated to explain. So I live with my dad. And my other siblings live with my mom because of the majority is Angel in them and the majority is werewolf in me. I am done with my back story. Thank you.

So it was my first day back at school. I heard that there was a new pack in town and my dad was going to talk to the alpha today, and make an agreement on peace between our pack. My pack are good people. We take in lone wolves and train them, we take in helpless pups and give them to a family or keep them in a pack house, we live in the middle of the woods but we made a town in it. We let humans stay here to so hunters don't get too suspicious of us. Our pack is the strongest in the U.S. and we are proud.

I was walking down the halls. All my pack bow their heads just a little not to make the humans suspicious of them. I make my way to first period history. Don't give me wrong I like history but the people in their get on my nerves. They are so loud and arrogant. I sit outside the door waiting for the teacher. When I hear someone crying. It sounded as if someone was in pain. I look around and see people in a group, none are which in my pack. I walk over there to see a fight. But instead it was someone getting bullied.

I drop my bag on the ground and ran to the girl that was getting bullied. "Hey. Are you ok?" I said to trying to see her face. She looked up in horror, like a beaten pup, I saw cuts on her face and arms. I turn around to see a barbie, her outfit left little to the imagination, she was a fake blond with-green eyes, and her pets behind her. "Move before you become like her or maybe be worst." She said with an attitude. I don't take to kindly to people who give attitude. First, you don't give an Alpha attitude especially if the Alpha is a female. Second, I was already mad looking at a girl in a ball crying her eyes out and no one helped her. And she must not know who she is taking to. I look at her and up and down then at her face and raise an eyebrow.

"Should I be afraid of you? And do you know who you are talking to bitch?" I look at her and cross my over my chest waiting for an answer. "Ya, you should be afraid. And I know I am talking to, a slut that should be a good girl and listen." She said in the most annoying way possible. I smile at her and shake my head walking over to her get in her face. I smell her and she is a werewolf. 'Oh this will be good.' My wolf Raven thought. "Well first, bitch I don't think you have looked in the mirror because the only slut I see is you. And second, watch yourself or I am going to school you real quick and sit you on your ass right here, right now." I turn away looking at the girl who is sit sitting on the floor. Still crying in a ball. "First of all, I am not afraid of a barbie and her pack of sluts." I turn around walking toward her and looked her straight in the eye and said, "And second, of all I wouldn't talk to an Alpha that way." I sarcastically smiled at her, seeing her eyes fill with fear. "Now! Here is what is going to happen from now on, get this through your thick dumbass heads. I will not have you guys pick on this girl again, your on my land and I do not tolerate bullying. Or I personally will rip your heads off. Got it?" I yelled so everyone can hear using my Alpha voice. I look around to see everyone's head nod.

I am mated to twin alphas...wait what !?Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon