Chapter 2: the territory of jiangs

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The next morning :

Wei wuxian slowly wakes up when sharp 5 hit in the morning. He look around wanting to sleep even more but he have to wake up because his son still have school and he have work today. He looked beside him looking at his son who was still asleep. Not wanting to wake him, he slowly got out of the bed, peeling his self from wei yuan's cuddle, more like death grip. Now wei ying start to wonder where did wei yuan inherited this strong grip. Since it's morning and there's no weather report, he doesn't trust the sky and put an umbrella on wei yuan's bag. He went to the bathroom gurgling his mouth with water to wash his breath away. He looked at the mirror and seeing his reflection. He still look like the same as his 16 years old but in reality he was already 33 years old since yesterday when his birthday happened. Yes, a 33 year old man who sometimes behave like 3 years old in front of his sister. Believe it or not he was really popular in the cafe that he's working on, that made everyone who visits the cafe fall for him. Not to mention wasn't being too handsome too worriesome? To the point that even gays, old ladies, teenagers whether that's a girl or boy and even children try to hit on him. Didn't he also said that even single moms or moms who still have their husband with them wanted him?
It's really pain in the ass. Even back then in his high school years many girls wanted to date him. (he's such a dilf change my mind or otherwise) He sighs and dramatically said "oh to be handsome as me its really a curse". He snap out of his daily self drama and went head to the kitchen where he set the stove on fi-.... Wrong word. Where he turned on the fire in the stove heating up the frying pan and putting oil in it. Since he's not Gordon Ramsey, they would usually eat fried food. He even once made a special soup to his son but only end up getting to hospital poor wei yuan but that's in another story. When the pan was hot enough he fried some eggs that is enough for both of them, some bacons and a bread with melting butter on top. He also made a milk for his son.

What kind of milk Hm? 😏😏

He also made a lunch for his son and some sandwich for his break. Which is so sweet of him considering he almost cut the cutting board in hald using a knife only. Anyways the breakfast is done and he went to the bathroom to check the warm water in the tub for them to use in bath and his son's clean ironed clothes with a hint scent of lavender. Once he finished checking them he went back to the bedroom. To sleep again? Nope just to wake up his son. He sat down beside his son was still sleeping when he pat his son's head, patting it gently then shake him very gently not startling the kid from his sleep. "a-yuan sweetie time to wake up it's morning already" he gently said.

So unfair my mom would usually shout at me to wake me up or she would go to my bed with hanger to wake me 😐

Wei yuan didn't startle and woke up slowly. Due to sleepiness he wants to go back but his father carried him to the bathroom and brushed his teeth for him, while wei ying brushes his teeth also. After brushing their teeth they start bathing that made wei yuan wake up even more only then he would greet his papa. Leaning to naked wei ying wei yuan looked up and smiled at his father, "morning papa" "morning my sunshine" wei ying greeted back. Wei yuan knew he was in the middle of bath and as a habit he would get the shampoo and would wash his father's silky, soft hair, where wei ying would return the favour also. This has been a habit between the two of them considering that wei yuan doesn't have a mother to take care of him kind of since wei ying stands as a mother and father to him, he didn't mind. The two of them would bath together, eat together, do assignments together and do household chores together. What a happy family they are. There's not much rules around the house since wei ying is a laid back dude who would mind his own business, he would spoil and let his son so what he wants. "papa chenqing doesn't have any carrots left so does tiger " wei yuan said to his father. "we will get them some carrots later but they could eat kales for awhile how's that? " wei ying asked his son who nodded as a respond. Chenqing and tiger are their rabbits, but just why the hell you name a rabbit 'tiger' ? Who knows I don't even know why. After bathing they dry their bodies with towel and wore their uniform. Wei ying helped his son to sit on his chair and began to eat. Wei Ying began to eat his portion also. They finished breakfast and start going out of the apartment, with wei ying locking their home and wei yuan waiting for his father. Yuan would always hum a song while waiting for his father to be with him at school. "ready to go? " wei ying asked earning a nod from his son. The two walk going to the elementary school where yuan would study

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