First chapter!!!

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"Keira!" My mother yells from below me, "where are you?" It's time for dinner!" I giggle as she looks around for any sign of where I am. She huffs in annoyance and heads back to the house to finish dinner.

"I can't believe she did t look up at all, I mean come on my shoes are at the base of the tree," I climb down the tree silent to put my shoes back on. "I wonder if I'll ever leave this town."

"Keira!" I hear my mother yell, "come on dinner is ready!" I turn away from the woods and begin to walk down the rail that leads to my house. I silently open the door, I hear plates being set down on the table, as I walk by the kitchen.

Honey, you need to stop going into the woods. I'm afraid you will go missing."

"Mother, I won't goosing, you know that. I know these woods like the back of my hand. I have been in them all of my life." She sighs and shakes her head, giving up. She motions me to follow her to the kitchen to eat.

"I'm worried though, I don't want to lose you like your father." She sits down and begins to eat, as I look at her shocked.

"You said he left us mother, I thought he was alive! How could you lie to me!" I begin screaming at her, sobbing I run out of the house into the woods once more.

"Keira! Come back! I'm sorry, I thought it would better that you didn't know!" I heard her yell after me. Sobbing I blindly run through the woods, falling and tripping over roots and logs. Getting leaves and twigs in my hair.

"Why would she lie to me? About my own father! Why?" I cry as I come to a complete stop in a clearing far from home. I sit there silently for hours, not moving an inch.

Suddenly I begin to hear footsteps running through the woods at a quick pace. I quickly climb up the tree and into the branches thick with leaves. All of a sudden a man, he had long brown hair, with dual swords and daggers on his back, came through the trees. Stopping he looked around in panic and began to climb the same tree I was in. I sank deeper into the leaves as he passed by me.

The sound of the tree moving with his every step came to a stop as he neared the top. I could hear his quiet breathing as I sat still trying not to attract unwanted attention to me. After a few minutes the sound of beating wings began to be heard. It slowly got louder, I could tell that it was something big as the sound became extremely loud.

His breathing stops as a shadow blocks out the sun, I silently move some branches out of my view so I could see what was above us. I catch my breath, the thing was hideous. The scales were old and rusty looking, few of them were missing. Exposing the skin underneath, which looked like it had been burned together. The wings had holes in them, a few arrows and swords were stuck in them. The head.... the head was the worst, the eyes were a dark rustic red, the horns were long and sharp, one of the horns cut off half way. A huge scar ran from its eye to its upper lip. I shiver I disgust, as it flew over us.

I started to tremble as it landed nearby, crushing all of the trees underneath it. I swallowed, praying to God that it doesn't find either one of us. Even though the guy doesn't know I am near him. It bean searching for something or someone else, I think I know who... As it can near I could see the fresh blood in its teeth as it snapped the trees in half. Only very few of the tree were spared.

Every animal within 20 feet of it ran the opposite direction of it. I started to slowly move the branches back to their original state as it got closer and closer. Still praying that it couldn't see me, I slowly backed away from the branches and closer to the trunk.

"Come out, where ever you are, little man. I know you are here somewhere. I can smell you blood, from miles away." As it spoke I could clearly tell it was male. Laughing it looked right into my eyes.

"Oh, I see you have someone with you. Shall we see how both of you last?" He rumbles, "hmmm?" He launched towards the trunk of the tree causing me to scream. Jumping from my branch I landed on the back of the dragon, causing it to drop the tree with the man still in it.

"You've got guts little girl..." He chuckles evilly, "not many have been on my back before. If they have they died moments after." I begin to run up its back to its head where it wouldn't be able to reach me with its awful teeth. Roaring in anger he began to try to shake me off by jumping around. Gripping one of his scales in a death grip, I held on for my dear life.

He slowly began to realize that he couldn't get me off. He then decided to begin to fly up in the air, he began to get fly about to 190 feet up from the ground. I had noticed he was trying to get me to lose my grip from his scale. He then stopped flapping his wings which caused us to launch back doe to the ground at inhuman speed. Screaming I gripped the scale even harder. Just as we reached the ground.......


Don't you love me right now :P???? Huh?

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