“Are you okay?” A feathery, mesmerizing voice calls out next to you, which causes you to straighten up and look at Mitsuri, the source of the voice. Her mint green eyes stare up at you questioningly as your voice catches in your throat, already feeling a slight heat build up on your cheeks. 

Turning away your head, you manage to timorously speak. “Did you see all of it?”

Mitsuri hesitates a little, which is almost no surprise since she’s normally pretty shy, but at that moment she sounds a lot more confident than you. “Yes, I didn’t mean to, I went to look for you to make sure you were okay and both you and Sanemi were yelling at each other and I-I didn’t mean to.” A rosy blush is evident on her face.


Why the hell is she so cute when she’s flustered?

Shaking your head you let out a groan and throw yourself onto your back, staring up at the baby blue sky littered with puffy clouds here and there.

“Don’t worry about it, Sanemi just gets under my skin you know?” letting your eyes wander to hers you see them holding an emotion that could be closely related to veneration. 

But why? 

“An argument like that was a long time coming considering how much he likes to get on to me for just about anything.”

“He worries for you.” Mitsuri’s tone is hardened slightly, which is out of character for her, but you can only scoff in response.

“Well, he sucks at showing it.” You bring your gaze back up to the sky.

“He does, but you remind him of his brother, I think he’s just scared to lose any more people close to him.” 

There’s a slight itching sensation that forms behind your eyes that you blink away quickly. You would have questioned the reason, but you were tired of thinking about the wind Hashira, so you just let it go.


Mitsuri nods and there’s a new shine to her eyes that wasn’t there before, the one you’ve grown to love, the one that she always has when she’s admiring something or someone.

“But the passion you had was beautiful, it was so admirable!”

And the heat that had left your face not too long ago comes back tenfold. She acted this way with everyone, it was dumb to even get your hopes up like this.

Mitsuri goes to lay on her back and her dual-colored pigtails splay out on either side of her, framing her angelic form. Both of your shoulders were only inches apart from each other, something about it was so oddly intimate. Just staring up at the sky and basking in each other’s presence. 

The one thing plaguing your mind right now, preventing you from being fully immersed in the moment was how close both of your hands are. All you had to do was barely move your hand and they’d be brushing each other. A simple movement could possibly end your pining….or it could create more unnecessary problems like the awkwardness after she tells you she doesn’t like you past the boundary of friendship, or-

A small, petite hand covers your larger one, pulling you from your intrusive thoughts. Slowly turning to look at Mitsuri, she’s still looking at the sky, but you quickly notice the blush on her face had intensified. 

“Um, I’m sorry, you probably don’t want to hear this with all that you’re going through,” She finally turns to look at you. “But with everything happening right now, I wanted to tell you before it was too late.” 

Her eyes gloss over a bit. “I really like you and I can’t find the words for how I feel since they’re really strong, the only way I can describe it is that you make my heart go thump thump and you give me butterflies.” That’s when her small spiel ends and she starts pulling her hand away from yours.

“B-but I’m more than okay with stayi-”

You immediately take her retreating hand in yours and can’t help but notice how warm and soft her hand is, you can also feel the callouses that decorated her palm from all the blade-wielding.

“Me too!”


God damn it, you were too enraptured by her and her confession that you’d completely forgotten she was confessing to you.

“fuck—I mean, I like you too, a lot.”

Her face is overtaken with joy.


How did you get so lucky?

“Really.” She smiles sweetly at you and you can’t help looking at her plump lips. “Uh-” you clear your throat slightly. “Can I uh, k-kiss you?”

Mitsuri nods enthusiastically and you bring your free hand to her reddened cheek, caressing her with your thumb softly before slowly leaning in. You feel her breath on your lips, enticing you further until they finally meet. The kiss is shy and tentative until you lean your head to the side, deepening the kiss, confidence slowly filling you. Mitsuri brings her hand to your wrist and holds on to it as if to get a grounding on her senses, which causes you to shuffle closer to her. 

The kiss is now deep and languid and at this point, you’re intoxicated with Mitsuru’s kisses, you’re absolutely convinced they’re a drug with a vice grip on you now. Your heart is beating so hard you swear she can hear it and honestly, you don’t want it to stop.

Sadly things never go as you want them to.

Your name is screeched out which causes you and Mitsuri to pull away from each other quickly and sit up, acting as if the two of you weren’t snogging mere seconds ago, but looking around you see no one. Your name is screeched out once more.

“You have orders! You are to make your way to a town in the south!”

Oh, thank fuck it was only your Kasugai Crow.

This causes you to visibly relax, making Mitsuri giggle cutely at you. 

“Well,” you stand up and she follows in suit. “I guess I have to go, I’ll see you soon hopefully.”

“Mhm! And before you go,” Mitsuri wraps her arms around your neck, bringing you down closer to her height, and plants her lips on your cheek. “That’s for luck!” She pulls away and starts making her way opposite of where you’re supposed to be going, a pep evident in her step. 

You watch her go with a dopey smile on your face and it doesn’t take long for her figure to disappear from your sight. Your crow shortly after lands on your right shoulder and gently pecks at the side of your head as if to remind you of your assignment.

“Yeah, yeah I’m on it.” As you start to walk towards your destination you can’t help but rub where Mitsuri kissed, still feeling the sensation of her lips there. 

Maybe things would start to look better from here on out.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2021 ⏰

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