-Chapter 2-

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6 months before the bombs

-Y/n's POV-

I sit next to my best friend's grave and begin to wake her up. Today was Wednesday the day I visit Madison, sometimes I'll visit her other times but Wednesday I always meet her. Death is boring according to Madison. As I summon her spirit I adjust my legs in an attempt to make my seat of the cemetery ground more comfortable.

Suddenly her spirit is laying on top of her grave, gasping and suddenly sitting up as if she just woke up from a nightmare. She calms herself down and turns to me. "Took you long enough to summon me loser." She teases with a familiar smirk on her face. I grab my bag and take a pack of cigarettes and throw it at Madison. She catches it and begins to take one and light it. "Thanks" she almost whispers at me. So how's your plan about leaving that shithole going?" She questions right before she puffs her cigarette.

"I'm thinking of just running away during the night and putting a note on my bed.", I confess to her as she takes another smoke.

"Kinda boring but as long as your no longer in that boring ass Coven anymore it'll do." She maintains.

I grab my water bottle out of my bag and begin to drink from it. "I'd offer you some but you don't really need any' I admit while wiping my lips with my sleeve.

"Hell made makes my throat dry give me some" she half demands whilst doing a gesture I'm assuming means to hand the bottle. I hand her the bottle and she immediately starts drinking from it.

"Dead yet your still a thirsty bitch" I joke at her, her response is to simply give me the middle finger as she continues to drink. She licks her lips as she closes the now empty bottle and throws it at me. I crush the water bottle and put it back in my bag planning to toss it later. I notice that her lipstick is smudged how she still has lipstick on is beyond me yet I ignore that. I suddenly move closer to her and fix the smudge with my thumb. Our lips are so close that I can feel a blush spread onto my face. My hand shakes as I remove it from her supernaturally soft skin.

-Madison's POV--

Y/n's face is so close to mine that it takes everything in my soul to not grab her and kiss her, forever displaying that I don't just see her platonically. The tension that fills the air to so thick it feels almost solid. Thankfully she backs away before my emotions overwhelm me. I truly don't deserve her yet desire fills me every time I look at a girl who I can guarantee will never feel the same.

She turns her face away and nearly shouts "FUCK" as she grabs her buzzing phone. It appears to be a phone call. She answers it and gestures for me to stay silent. She begins to talk to the person, her voice being quite monotone implying the conversation is going to end soon. I take this time to simply stare at her features. To the glistening pools of color that are her eyes to every curve. My observation is ended by noticing her hanging up. "I'm so sorry Madison but Cordelia will lose her shit if I'm not back at the coven soon." I can see the guilt on her face as she puts her stuff away. 'I thought you'd be able to stay longer" I ask my voice close to cracking.

-Y/n's POV-

"I did too but I can't I say disappointment coating my words. I sigh as I close my bag.

"Promise you'll come back," Madison asks me anxiously.

"Of course Madison. I'm just upset we couldn't hang out longer." I reassure her. She nods implying she understands. "I'm gonna have to send you back again I'm sorry" I disclose.

She sighs and replies "Can I at least smoke this?" she rhetorically questions as she lights her cigarette. She begins to smoke it and sits up straight. We've done this so many times but it still feels bizarre. She lets out one final puff of the cigarette before putting it out on her own gravestone.

"You ready?" I inquire. "ready' she confirms as she nods her head. I begin to let go of her soul with my magic. She begins to start scream as she is dragged back into hell. I shut my eye in an attempt to avoid the sight suddenly her screaming stops. When I open my eyes she's gone. I sigh and begin to walk away from her grave.

( ON HIATUS) Yandere AHS Apocalypse X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now