soul sucker

156 2 0

"it won't last long."

I only knew you were joking, laughing off the joke that I thought you told.

I knew you were kidding, for both of us were just as broken, two fragile puzzle pieces in a large puzzle.

so maybe that's why it hurt the most when I figured out it was true, that you were telling the truth.

your once broken soul was somehow repaired from feeding off of mine, draining me down to my limit.

and maybe, even though I try so hard, I can't get rid of you, your constant soul sucking words on my mind, taking every last bit of me.

maybe you found your joke funny, knew that if would kill me, end me in ways I couldn't imagine.

but a part of me knows you're happy, even if that happiness was taken from mine.

I'll try hard. Not for you, —not for anyone but myself— to rebuild that happiness.

And I know, —that no matter what— I'll never let anyone suck out my soul again, for you have taught me; no one can be trusted, even if they tell the truth.

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